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This note describes symptoms and remedies for some Visio issues when using Visio with Process Commander.

Internet zone

Visio editing is not possible if Process Commander is run from the Internet Zone (rather than the Local Zone), unless additional security changes are configured. Internet Explorer assigns a site to the Internet Zone if the URL contains multiple segments for the server portion, such as:

For instructions on setting up Visio editing in such situations, see the Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-14870 Troubleshooting: Flow editing and the IE Internet Zone.

Compile errors


The Visual Basic alert "Compile error in hidden module: clsVisioEventHandler" indicates that an obsolete version of a Microsoft DLL is present in on the workstation, typically in the System32 directory.

The file msmxl.dll, versions 2.5SP3 or earlier, are no longer supported by Microsoft. To address this issue, delete the obsolete msmxl.dll file and install a newer version.

See Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-17535 Troubleshooting: Visio "Compile error" and msxml.dll version for details and a link to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article. Q-1677 R-15735 Q-1535

Security warning


When starting a Visio 2002 session for flow rule editing, a warning appears.


This can happen when a flow rule saved with a higher version of Visio is subsequently opened with Visio 2002.

Note: Visio 2002 is not supported.

  1. Click OK to dismiss the warning.
  2. Start Visio from the desktop.
  3. Change the Macro Security setting to Medium or Low as described in How to set up Visio.

Choosing a single Visio version

Process Commander Version can support flow rule development on workstations that have one of Microsoft Visio 2003, Visio 2007, or Visio 2010. Some developers on a team may use one Visio version while others use another. Additionally, your Process Commander system may contain rules that were developed elsewhere (with unknown versions of Visio) and then imported into your system.

Process Commander stores flow rules and the associated Visio files in its rulebase.  If a user with a higher level of Visio (for example, Visio 2007) opens a flow rule last saved using Visio 2002, Microsoft software upgrades the Visio diagram to the later version.

However, the reverse is not true.  For example, if a user with Visio 2002 edits and saves a flow rule previously saved using Visio 2003, the JPG image is sometimes degraded by a Microsoft downward incompatibility. See the Pega Developer Network article PRKB-13274 Troubleshooting: Visio 2002/2003 compatibility issues.

Related topics How to set up Visio
Understanding ActiveX Controls and Process Commander
