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Your system contains a standard application rule PegaRULES.06.01.01 which is recommended to use as a base for your own application rules. This provides access to the top versions of the primary product RuleSets, and so need not be revised when higher V6 product versions are installed.

When creating additional application rules, choose the PegaRULES:06.01.01 application rule in most cases as the Built on Application value if your application depends only on standard rules.

Use the Rules Explorer to see a complete list of the application rules available to you (based on your RuleSets and security).

The following additional application rules restrict your application to the exact versions described. Use one of these application rules as the Built on Application value in the unusual case that your application was initially created and tested only on the named release, and has not be validated or updated for the current release. MARSR 9/8/2010



PegaRULES:06.01.05 Choose this to build your application on Version 6.1 exactly, as initially released. No rules introduced with SP1 or SP2 are executed.
PegaRULES:06.01.15 Choose this to build your application on Version 6.1 Service Pack exactly, as initially released. No rules introduced with SP2 are executed.
PegaRULES:06.01.25 Choose this to build your application on Version 6.1 Service Pack 2 exactly, as initially released. No rules introduced with releases after SP2 are executed.

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