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About Harness rules

Several standard rules are available for your use in the @baseclass or Work- class. Other standard harness rules not listed are used in the Application Accelerator and other wizards. Your custom harness rules typically override these by using the same Purpose key part.

A to G




Presents a form when a top-level activity completes with presenting an HTML display. ("The operation completed successfully, but returned no content." with green checkmark.) PROJ-884 How to customize the activity success and exception windows
Presents a form when an activity fails or an uncaught Java exception occurs. ("Please contact your System Administrator ." with red X.) How to customize the activity success and exception windows
AutoClose C-1187 Closes the work object form automatically; an alternative to Confirm when there is no new information to display.  
Confirm Presents a read-only confirmation display of the work object, acknowledging user completion of an assignment. Contains the  Get Most Urgent   button. This button is by default linked to the standard activity Work-.GetNextWork. Your application can override that activity. Maximizing User Productivity with GetNextWork
ConfirmSample Copied into applications created by the basic Application Accelerator tool. The copied harness rule is named Confirm, not ConfirmSample. Presents a read-only confirmation display of the work object, acknowledging user completion of an assignment. Contains  Show Worklist   and  Get Most Urgent   button. The  Get Most Urgent   button is by default linked to the standard activity Work-.GetNextWork. Your application can override that activity. Maximizing User Productivity with GetNextWork
DisplayInput Special purpose, not for use in BPM applications that use flows. Supports testing of business rules decision applications created by the Application Accelerator. C-2036 business rules engine
DisplayOutput Special purpose, not for use in BPM applications that use flows. Supports testing of business rules decision applications created by the Application Accelerator. C-2036 business rules engine

H to P




LockInfo For diagnostic or debugging purposes, displays the requestor session holding a lock on the work object. Understanding object locking
New Supports entry of a new work object and the start of a flow rule execution for that work object.  
NewCM Supports entry of a new work object in a case management setting and the start of a flow rule execution for that work object. About the Case Manger portal
NewCovered Allows a user to create both a cover work object (for example, in the Work-Cover-General class) and in the same form create one or more covered work objects. cover
NewSample For work object creation, used by the (basic) Application Accelerator. Incorporates styles from the standard User skim rule, introduced in Version 5.3. Proj-579 About the Application Accelerator
Perform Allows a user to select a flow action from a drop-down list in the Take Action section, and complete an assignment based on the selection. perform
Perform_Buttons Allows a user to select a flow action by clicking a button, rather than choosing from a selection list. C-1483 Used primarily in V5 applications.
Perform_Step Allows a user to complete the flow action marked as most likely immediately, rather than choosing this action from a selection list. C-1483 Used primarily in V5 applications.
PerformExternal Supports directed Web access. B-5243 B-21973 directed Web access
PerformSample Simple harness with Take Action area, copied into applications created by the basic Application Accelerator. About the Application Accelerator
PerformScreenFlow Supports execution of screen flow rules with breadcrumbs. screen flow
PortletHarness A template rule for building application harness rules, configured to generate portlet-compliant HTML. portlet
PrintOptions Allows a user to select which top-level sections are to be printed.  
PrintView Provides a presentation of a work object suitable for printing.  
pyCMConfirm Similar to Confirm, but designed to support complex cases presented in the Case Manager portal. About the Case Manger portal
pyCMPerform Similar to Perform, but designed to support complex cases presented in the Case Manager portal. About the Case Manger portal
pyCMReview Similar to Perform, but designed to support complex cases presented in the Case Manager portal. About the Case Manger portal

R to Z




Reopen Allows a user to reopen a resolved work object. reopen
Review Presents the work object and assignment in read-only mode, not allowing data entry.  
ReviewSample Presents the work object and assignment in read-only mode, not allowing data entry. Copied into applications created by the basic Application Accelerator, with the name Review. About the Application Accelerator
RuleForm Second key part of multiple standard harness rules that define the structure of rule forms. Reserved.  
SimpleConfirm C-1105 Similar to the Confirm harness rule, but with portlet-compliant HTML. Use this version when your flow application is a JSR 168 portlet that will be displayed by a portal server. portlet
SimplePerform C-1105 Similar to the Perform harness rule, but with portlet-compliant HTML. Use this version of the Perform harness when your flow application is a JSR 168 portlet that will be displayed by a portal server. portlet
TabbedScreenFlow Supports execution of screen flow rules with a tabbed layout. If the primary screen flow calls a subflow screen flow, a second level of nested tabs appears. C-2569 screen flow
TreeNavigation Alternative for screen flow rules, where a left tree structure presents flow navigation details. 5.3 BUG-4563 screen flow

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