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The standard auto-generated control rules (formerly called HTML Property rules) listed below are available as of release V6.2. These controls are recommended for new development.

The Control tab settings on the Control rule form govern a control's appearance and behavior. Unless noted, the tab contains settings for both editable and read-only modes. See Control form — Completing the Control tab.

You can customize many of the control rule's default parameters within the section that contains it. Your edits apply to the control instance within the section and not to the underlying control rule. Custom settings may be applied individually to each control rule within a section.

  1. Open the section or harness that contains the auto-generated control rule.
  2. Select the cell containing the rule and open its Cell Properties panel.
  3. In the panel, select the magnifying glass icon () next to the Control field. This displays the control rule Parameters dialog, which contains most of the settings in the underlying rule's Control tab. You cannot edit the Control Modes or UI Element settings.
  4. Modify as necessary. To immediately render your changes, click OK in the dialog. If satisfactory, save the section. The system generates the XML representing your edits and stores it in the section.

  Standard rules


Displays in a layout cell a button that invokes an action when clicked. You define the action in the control's Parameters dialog. Read only mode.

The Button control uses this rule. To place the button in a section or flow action, drag and drop the button icon () from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding a Button control.

You cannot add an auto-generated button control to the bottom area of a harness. See Harness forms — Adding a button to a harness.
pxCalculatedValues Similar to pxDisplayText, for read-only presentation of calculated values produced by declare Expression rules. xxxxxxxxxxxxx. See More about Declare Expression rules. GRP-24882
pxCheckbox Displays an HTML checkbox to present a property as a TrueFalse type.

The Check Box control uses this rule. To place the checkbox in a section or flow action, drag and drop the checkbox icon () from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding a Check Box control.

Use instead of ChecBbox. V6.2 GRP-16571 pashm

pxCurrency Formats a number as a currency using the default locale. Read only mode.

Use instead of CurrencyAmount and CurrencyAmount-i18n.

pxDateTime Formats a DateTime, Date, or TimeOfDay property type using the default locale. Use instead of these non-autogenerated rules: V6.2 GRP-23142 pashm
  • Date
  • Date-Calendar
  • Date-Full
  • Date-Full-i18n
  • Date-Long
  • Date-Long-i18n
  • Date-Medium
  • Date-Medium-i18n
  • DateCalendarForDataGrid
  • DateTIme
  • DateTime-Calendar
  • DateTime-CalendarHarness
  • DateTime-Default
  • DateTime-Full
  • DateTime-Full-i18n
  • DateTime-Long
  • DateTime-Long-i18n
  • DateTime-Medium
  • DateTime-Medium-18n
  • DateTime-Short
  • DateTime-Short-i18n
The Calendar control uses this rule. To place the calendar in a section or flow action, drag and drop the calendar icon () from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding a Calendar control.
pxDisplayText Displays property values using text, numeric, date/time, or true/false format types. Read only mode.
pxHidden xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FINAL XXXXXX
pxIcon Displays in a layout cell a predefined or custom icon that invokes an action (same as pxButton) when clicked or hovered on. You can also add an icon to the header of a harness. GRP-20247 V6.2 pashm

The Icon control uses this rule. To place the icon in a section or flow action, drag and drop the button icon () from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding an Icon control.

When you add the control, you can replace the default pxIcon with one of the following standard rules; each is configured with a default icon, tooltip, and action. These rules eliminate the need to manually configure the values in the pxIcon Parameters dialog.

  • pxIconAddItem
  • pxIconAddNewWork
  • pxIconAttachments
  • pxIconCancel
  • pxIconContents
  • pxIconDeleteItem
  • pxIconEnableActionSection
  • pxIconExpandCollapse
  • pxpxIconExplore
  • pxIconFinishAssignment
  • pxIconGetNextWork
  • pxIconHistory
  • pxIconLocalAction
  • pxIconPrint
  • pxIconReopenWorkItem
  • pxIconReview
  • pxIconSave
  • pxIconShowFlowLocation
  • pxIconShowHarness
  • pxIconIconShowReopenScreen
  • pxIconSpellChecker
  • pxIconUpdate
pxInteger Formats the display of numeric property types without the decimal places (for instance, 12 instead of 12.00). It is the default control rule associated with the Integer property type. V6.2 pashm
pxLink Displays in a layout cell a text link that invokes an action when clicked or hovered. You define the action ( same as pxButton) in the control's Parameters dialog.

The Link control uses this rule. To place the link in a section or flow action, drag and drop the link icon () xxxxx icon will change in V6.2 pashm xxxxx from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding an Link control. GRP-20247 V6.2 pashm

pxNumber Formats the display of numeric property types. Parameters include decimal places, scale, negative format, symbol, and separators.
pxPassword Presents text input and display as obfuscated. The characters appear as a string of bullets to the user.

In input mode, the characters are initially added to the clipboard as unencrypted, clear text values. The system computes the hashed value only as the page is committed to the PegaRULES database. Thereafter, the hashed value appears in both the clipboard and the database row.

pxPercentage Displays numeric values as a percentage value; for example the decimal value 0.043 can be presented as 4.31 %. Read only mode.

Use instead of Percentage.

pxTextArea Presents the property as an HTML text area, which provides multi-line input or display.

The Text Area control uses this rule. To place the control in a section or harness, drag and drop the text area icon () from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding a Text Area control. Use instead of:

  • TextArea
  • TextAreaExpanded
  • TextAreaInTable
  • TextAreaSmall
  • TextAreaWithExpand
  • TextAreaWithExpandExpanded
  • TextAreaWithExpandSmall

Presents the property as an HTML text box in edit mode. Spell checking is enabled by default.

The Text Input control uses this rule. To place the control in a section or harness, drag and drop the text input icon () from the Basics control group onto a layout cell. See Adding a Text Input control.

Use instead of Text.


R-10388 You cannot supply parameters through the Formats form or the Parameters tab.

Atlas — Standard control rules without parameters
Atlas — Standard control rules with parameters.

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