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C-2467C-1975Process Commander includes standard activities that you can call to start and advance flows that do not display work object forms.They are sometimes known as the Process Engine API activities, and can support use of Process Commander business processing by agents, service activities or other processing that does not use work object forms based on harness rules. VAGUE

To list these activities and learn about parameters, click the Process Engine API link in the Integration Resources area of the Integration Overview landing page. Hold the mouse pointer over a row to learn more about each activity and its parameters.


For flows that present harness rules, see Standard activities for use in flows. See also Standard activities of type Activity for other important standard activities.

Several extension point activities — empty placeholders for that you can override — are also part of this API. See Standard activities — Extension points.


These activities have an Activity Type of Activity, meaning that they can be called from agents, service activities or other activities not directly referenced a the flow rule. They are final rules; the names and results are not expected to change in future releases.

By default, results of the activity are recorded on an output page of class Code-ProcessOutput. The default output page name is pyOutput, but you can choose another page name through the OutputPageName parameter.

The output parameter status contains the text value success for successful execution, or the word fail followed by text indicating an error classification. The embedded page ErrorMessages provides additional detail on errors.

Review the History and Parameter tabs of each activity for additional information.

  Non-interactive activities in Work-

These activities do not require or use any human interaction.



Work-.Add Final

Creates a new work object (without any cover work object) and performs a Commit method, which saves the work object and releases all locks.

Use Work-.AddWork rather than Work-.Add in situations where the Commit method is not wanted until later. 5/2/05

acquireWorkObject Final

Open a work object and acquires a lock, when provided as input the handle of the work object. The class of the primary page   — derived from the Work- base class — is used to locate the work object. (The contents of this page are not used.)

AddCoveredWork Final

Creates a new cover work object but does not perform a Commit method, so current locks are retained.

Use Work-.AddCovered rather than Work-.AddCoveredWork to commit the new work object. THORT 5/2/05

AddWork Final

Creates a new covered or non-covered work object. Called with a primary page that inherits from the Work- base class. Commits the new work object if there is no flow execution to start; if it starts a flow execution, the commit operation typically occurs when that flow execution creates an assignment. MARIK clinic 2/16/07


Adds a work party to the work object using a role name as input parameter.


Commits all objects saved with the Obj-Save method to the PegaRULES or external database, if there are no page messages on the primary page.

CreateWorkPage Final

Creates the work page, typically named pyWorkPage. for a covered or non-covered work object. Identifies the pyFlowName key part (Flow Type) of the flow to be started.

Called before calling AddWork.

getNextWorkObject Final

Returns the next assignment for the operator to work on. This assignment can either come from the operator's worklist or from one of the workbaskets they have access to. See Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork.

jumpToTask Final

Jumps to a specific task in a screen flow rule.


Checks whether any assignment is available for the current work object for the current operator.


Checks whether an additional assignment is available for the current work object for the current operator. Some processing efficiencies may arise if the additional assignment can be performed immediately after the current assignment.


Completes an assignment by performing a flow action — without user interaction or display.


Removes a party from a work object.


Reopens the resolved work object already present (but with a resolved work status) on a page of class derived from Work-.

ResumeFlow Final

Resumes a flow bypassing a flow action. Useful for agent processing of assignments.

startFlow Final

Starts an additional flow execution on an existing work object.

  Non-interactive activities in Assign-

This activity does not require or use any human interaction.



AcquireWorkObject Final

Opens a work object, acquires a lock, and assembles a list of flow actions, when provided as input the handle of an assignment.

  Activities using harness rules

These Work- activities call the engine BPM activities listed above, but use harness rules to present work object forms to interactive human users. ARE THEY REALLY PART OF THE API THEN?




Supports the  Get Most Urgent   button. Calls getNextWorkObject, and presents the work object form for the assignment. See Maximizing user productivity with GetNextWork.

New Final

Called by harness processing to create a (non-covered) work object and display the work object form.

NewCovered Final

Called by harness processing to create a covered work object and display the work object form.

PartyCreate Final

Calls addWorkObjectProperty and redisplays the work object form. SR-4424 B-21685

Reopen Final

Reopen a work object and display the work object form. Calls Work-.ReopenWorkObject.


These standard activities are also considered part of the Process Engine.




Returns a list of work object attachments.

Places errors on the pyOutput page.
Definitions headless application, screen flow, service activity, work party

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