Back Forward Atlas — Standard classes derived from the Embed- base class


The table below lists standard Embed- classes you may encounter. By definition, a class derived from the Embed- class cannot correspond to a top-level page and so cannot directly correspond to instances in the PegaRULES database. A saved instance in the database of another class can include embedded pages of an Embed- class.




Embed-CustomFields Applies To class for operations involving custom fields for rules. custom fields
Embed-DrillDownParams Applies To class for activities referenced on the Drill Down tab of summary view rules.  
Embed-EmailAttachment Supports attachments to outgoing email correspondence. How to send email with attachments
Embed-Env-Connect-EJB Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Connect EJB rules. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Connect-HTTP Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Connect HTTP rules. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Connect-JMS Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Connect JMS rules. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Connect-MQ Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Connect MQ rules. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Connect-SOAP Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Connect SOAP rules. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Listener-Email Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Email Listener data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Listener-File Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for File Listener data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Listener-JMS Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for JMS Listener data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Listener-JMSMDB Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for JMS MDB Listener data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Listener-MQ Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for MQ Listener data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Server-Email Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for Email Server data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Server-JNDI Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for JNDI Server data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Env-Server-MQ Contains standard properties that can be added to a declarative page to support global resource settings for MQ Server data instances. global resource settings
Embed-Java- Parent class of the classes for properties that have mode Java Property. Java Property mode
Embed-Language Supports the Localization wizard. About the Localization wizard
Embed-ListParams Applies To class for activities referenced on the Content tab of list view rules.  
Embed-SummaryParams Applies To class for activities referenced on the Content tab of summary view rules.  
Embed-UserFunction Supports the SQL Expression Builder with report definition rules. About Function Alias rules
Embed-Warning Supports the Application Preflight tool. warning
Definitions Embed- base class

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