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How to process assignments and cases in bulk

The Bulk Actions tool in the Case Manager portal lets managers select assignments or cases that match a set of criteria, and process the work items at the same time.

For example, a manager can transfer cases among operators (within your group) or workbaskets, or apply a specific flow action to all the assignments on a worklist. A manager can wait and watch as the system processes the assignments, or send the processing to an agent that processes them in background mode.

The manager selects Profilemenu > Bulk Actions in the portal header to open the tool.

In the filter table at the top of the tool, the manager:

  1. In the first column, selects a property that is available to the selected case type.
  2. Enters one or more characters used in the property's short description. Case Type, Assigned to Operator, and Work Status are the defaults.
    To return a list of cases instead of assignments, removes from the table all Assigned To property criteria such as Assigned to Operator (pyAssignedToOperator), Assigned to Workbasket (pyAssignedToWorkbasket), and so on. To remove criteria, clicks the delete row icon .
  3. In the second column, selects the condition. The available conditions depend upon the property type you selected in the first column.
  4. In the third column, enters or selects the property value. If available, uses auto-complete to find a value that is available to this property. The manager enters one or more characters used in the property's short description or the name key value; the results displays both values.

    The Case Type criteria is required and cannot be removed. For any condition other than Is Any, auto-complete can be used to select a case type in the application.
  5. Clicks the add row icon add row to add criteria.
  6. When the manager has completed the filter criteria table, she clicks the Filter Work button. The tool displays the results in a table beneath the Select Action button. An item must meet all the criteria in order to appear in the table.
  7. The manager can click an item's ID to open the user form. If necessary, he can adjust the results by changing the criteria and click the Filter Work button again.
  8. The manager selects the items she wants to include in the process or clicks the Select All checkbox.
  9. From the Select Actions menu, the manager selects the action she wants to use. The results are an intersection of flow actions shared by all the items in the list. By default, the Transfer Assignment action is always available for items.
  10. Completes the fields in the pop-up dialog.
  11. Optionally, selects the Run in background? checkbox (if available) if he want to use the background processing facility. See the next section in this topic for information.
  12. Selects OK to start processing and close the dialog.

    A Processing Results column appends to the table. Each item contains an icon and a label indicating the processing status. A check mark indicates that the item was successfully processed. A indicates that the process failed. To access an error message, hold the mouse pointer over the to view a ToolTip. If you selected Run in background?, a indicates that the item is queued for processing by the background agent.

Bulk processing of unsent emails

The Bulk Actions menu lets managers view and process unsent emails in bulk. The FixCorrespondence flow is invoked when an attempt to send correspondence using Data-Corr-Email.Send activity fails. The flow creates an assignment for the unsent email and presents flow actions to reject or resend the unsent correspondence. Use the Work-.ResendCorr flow action to resend email correspondence items that do not require individual modification and that failed to be sent for external reasons, such as the server being down. Use the Work-.CorrReject flow action to reject the selected correspondence.

About background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent

If you need to transfer or process dozens or hundreds of assignments, it may be preferable to perform this processing in background, and be notified with an email message when the processing is complete. The Pega-ProCom agent includes an activity that provides such processing.

To use this facility:

  1. Review the Data-Agent-Queue instances on your system; there is one for the Pega-ProCom agent on each node. Ensure that the row identifying the AgentBulkProcessing activity is enabled on at least one node, and that the overall Enable this agent? box is selected for that node.
  2. Ensure that an email account data instance (Data-EmailAccount class) is defined to send email from your application.
  3. For each manager who is to use this facility, ensure that a valid email address is present in the Operator tab of the Operator ID form.
  4. Complete input values for one of the Bulk Processing facilities. Select the Run in Background checkbox.
  5. When you start the process, it will run in the background and you can go on to other areas of the application. Background processing may take minutes or hours, depending on the number of work items involved.
  6. When background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent is complete, the agent sends an email message listing the count of assignments selected and processed, and a list of the keys of assignments not processed. (Bulk processing may be unable to complete assignments for various reasons, including the inability to acquire a lock.)

How it works

When you start the bulk process, the system creates an instance of the Assign-Schedule-Future class, which serves to notify the Pega-ProCom agent that a bulk processing request is pending. It changes the owner of assignments to be processed to the reserved value pyBulkProcessing, so that they are no longer on the original worklist or workbasket.

As it processes assignments, the Pega-ProCom agent temporarily creates instances of the Assign-Schedule-InterimResults class. When processing is complete, it forms and sends the email message.


Related PDN articles

See the PDN article Why doesn't the pre-processing activity run with Bulk Processing?.

Definitionsbulk processing, profile, sample application, transfer, urgency, worklist, work pool name, work type
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Understanding the Pega-ProCom agent

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