PRPC uses the International Standard Organization (ISO) 4217 three-character currency codes, such as USD for United States Dollars, EUR for Euro, JPY for Japanese yen, and so on. The standard property Work-.pyChargeAmount includes a currency code.
As you log in, PRPC uses your locale to select a default or "base" currency, saving it as the value of the standard property pyBaseCurrency on the requestor page. Monetary amounts you enter are assumed to be in this currency.
Developers can use the Locale Settings tool to override this setting temporarily.
PRPC depends on vendor JVM code for currency display; some details vary by vendor and version. See PDN article Sun and IBM JVM: Three digit currencies displaying incorrectly.
requestor page | |
About the Locale Settings tool | |
Standard properties on the pxRequestor page (Code-Pega-Requestor class) |