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A work party is a person, organization, or other actor identified in a work item, who can be the recipient of email or other forms of correspondence.

A work item may identify no work parties, one, or many work parties. The work party role associated with each work party identifies why a party is present, and may determine which properties are defined for that party.

Five standard data classes derived from Data-Party are available for capturing information about work parties:

Your application can include other classes derived from Data-Party or from one of the above concrete classes.

Identifying a party

Each party represented in a work item must have a unique identifier, recorded in the standard property pyWorkPartyUri. Depending on the class or other processing, this mail be an Operator ID, an email address, an account number, and so on. Q-788

Determining the class of a party

No fields in a work item identify the class of a party, for example whether the party with the role Lawyer is of the class Data-Party-Person or a Data-Party-Com. To learn this call the standard function getPartyClass(appliestoclass, workpartyname, rolename), part of the PegaProComUtilities library. Identify the key parts of a work party rule in the first two parameters, and a work party role in the third parameter. PROJ-425

For example, the following expression obtains the class of the Interested party in a work item in the PegaSample application:

=@getPartyClass("PegaSample", "Default", "Interested")

Definitions access role, contact preference, harness forms, originator, work party role
Related topics About Work Parties rules
Standard rules Atlas — Standard Work Parties rules
