Back Forward How to detect when a rule change invalidates many entries in the Rules Assembly cache (PEGA0032 alert)

Alert log message

A PEGA0032 alert is generated if a rule change (update, delete, or create) produces many invalid entries in the Rules Assembly cache. The threshold applies to the sum of three counts: 5.5

Here is an example of the message:

Change to Rule-Obj-Property:PYPURPOSE caused 14 global entries, 14 personal entries (0 personal only), and 4 classes to be invalidated. Rules invalidated (entry count): activity:getshortcutsxml (4), activity:getworkstyle (5), activity:requestorinitialize (5), activity:populatemyrules (4)

Modifying the alert settings

By default, the alert is enabled with a threshold of 10 invalidations. You can modify the setting in the prconfig.xml file as follows:

  1. Open the prconfig.xml file and update this alerts section:

<env name = “alerts/fua/invalidation/threshold" value="10" />

  1. Set the threshold value to a positive integer identifying the maximum number of invalidations.
  2. Stop and restart the server.

As an alternative to the prconfig.xml file, you can use Dynamic System Settings to configure your application.
See How to create or update a prconfig setting.


For an example, see PDN article Understanding the PEGA0032 alert.

Definitions alert log, prconfig.xml file, rules assembly
Related topics Understanding alerts
Understanding caching
Working with the Rules Assembly cache

UpSysAdmin category