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Methods and instructions by function

Use the Connect-Wait method


This method accepts two parameters:




Enter a positive number of seconds as a timeout interval, or enter -1 to cause an indefinite wait.

PoolID Provide a value when using Connect-Wait in an activity of type Asynchronous. PoolID can be any valid String, a property reference, or a parameter.


  1. WaitSeconds has a value and PoolID has a value: Wait for child requestors to finish (if any) and then wait for data pages which belong to PoolID to finish loading. The entire operation has a timeout of the specified WaitSeconds.
  2. WaitSeconds has no value and PoolID has a value: Wait for child requestors to finish (if any) and then wait for data pages which belong to PoolID to finish loading. The entire operation has a timeout of indefinite.
  3. WaitSeconds has a value and PoolID has no value: Wait for child requestors to finish (if any). The entire operation has a timeout of specified WaitSeconds.
  4. WaitSeconds has no value and PoolID has no value: Wait for child requestors to finish (if any). The entire operation has a timeout of indefinite.

When awakened, if the method status is Good, the activity can examine the results pages of the connector methods. If the method status is Fail, this may indicate that one or more of the parallel child requestors has not completed.

The Connect-Wait method sets the method status to Good or Fail even if you simulate the connector rule through a Connector Simulation data instance.

Checking the method status

This method updates the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.

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UpMethods and instructions by function