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Completing the Definition tab

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Use the Definition tab to specify the type and status of the requirement and to enter a detailed description.

Field name



An optional group to help organize your requirements. Choose from the list of standard categories:

Business Rule, Change Control, Enterprise Standard, Functional, Non Functional

If desired, you can add custom category values for your project team to use.


An optional value that indicates the priority of a requirement. Choose from the list of standard values:

1-Critical, 2-Very Important, 3-Important, 4-Desirable, 5-Useful

If desired, you can add custom importance values for your project team to use.


Optionally capture a requirement's development state. Choose from the list of standard values:

New, Pending-Details, Pending-Blocked, Pending-Deferred, Pending-Development, InProgress, Complete, Withdrawn

If desired, you can add custom status values for your project team to use.

External Req. ID

Optionally provide an identifier that tracks (or refers to) this requirement in an external system.

Short Description

Required. Provide a brief description of the requirement (typically its purpose). A short description may be updated at any time.
[Requirement Text] Use the rich text editor to enter and format the actual text for the requirement.


To create new attachments and edit existing ones simultaneously, click the Add/Edit Attachments button:

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