Decision Parameters Values
Depending on the decision parameters class definition selected when creating the decision parameters instance, this tab displays the elements that business users can control. Saving the decision parameters rule allows you to test the changes to the parameters. Checking in the changes makes the changes available to all users. Typically, the changes to control parameters are made available by system architects in the process of activating a revision that contains the corresponding decision parameters rule.
Decision Parameters Template
System architects define the content of decision parameters rules by configuring the pyEditElements and pyEditElement sections. The pyEditElements section defines the list of items (for example, proposition) and the pyEditElement section defines the parameters for each element (for example, marketing weight, start data and active/inactive proposition).
The following list provides the overview of key points that you need to know when using the decision parameters extension points.
- The starting point is an initial decision parameters instance under the appropriate class.
- In the initial decision parameters instance, use the customize section button to override the pyEditElement section @baseclass, and initialize the data model and the basic decision parameters implementation.
- The natural place for the specialized sections is the class that contains the data model required to support the decision parameters instance. The class containing the pyEditElement and pyEditElements sections is called the decision parameters definition class.
- The pyEditElement section defines the parameters for each element (for example, marketing weight, start date and active/inactive proposition), and the controls that allow business users to change parameters.
- The pyEditElements section @baseclass needs to be manually specialized by class and ruleset, and saved under the same class as pyEditElement. This section defines the items themselves (for example, proposition and description). This section includes the standard add and delete item actions, and operates on the basis of the pyEditElement flow action to register the new parameters. It is not always the case that this section requires controls to add and delete new elements.
- The data source used in the grid repeat layout of the pyEditElements section is the pxResults property. In Pages & Classes, you always need to define the pxResults page.
- Page Name: .pxResults
- Class: the class containing the sections
Decision parameters can be global (application level) or specific to a certain context. The typical example of context specific decision parameters is proposition parameters, which you define under the applicable SR class.
About Decision Parameters rules