Back Forward Rule-from-File wizard
Attach file and create the rule

Complete this form to upload a source file from your workstation or network to the PRPC server, transform information in the file into a rule, and attach the source file to the rule.

  1. Click  Browse  . Navigate in your Windows network to locate the file to be attached.
  2. Select the file. Click  Save  .
  3. Enter in the Description field the value to become the Custom Field value, with no spaces.
  4. When creating a flow rule, choose Public Format, BPEL 1.1, or Proforma CIF as appropriate for the File Format value. (The choice Private Format is reserved).
  5. Click  Submit  .

Processing by the wizard

The system creates the rule in the appropriate RuleSet version. It adds the Custom Field name and value to the History tab of the rule, and permanently links the field value to the uploaded file.

Next steps

Click (magnifying glass) to open the newly created rule. To further evolve the imported rule:

Pick class and ruleset