Using the Application Profile Analysis tab


The Analysis tab in the Application Profile landing page presents an overview of the specifications in your application, along with reports to easily identify requirements and specifications that are not implemented.

Access this tab by selecting the > Application > Profile > Analysis menu item.


Specification Summary Metrics

Review these pie charts to understand the distribution of specifications across case types and status (implementation state):

  1. Make selections in the application scoping control to isolate which application layer you want to evaluate.
  2. Interact with the charts by hovering over graphics, clicking values or selecting one of the available Chart Actions: change dimension (2D or 3D), maximize the chart by opening a new window, view a summary report of the source data, or export the chart data to a PDF.

Specifications not linked to PMF Items — Specifications not linked to PMF items (if you application is integrated and automatically synchronized with a PMF system).

Specification Summary Metrics

Use these reports to understand which specifications and requirements are not yet implemented in the application:


application profile, requirements , specifications

Related topics

Creating new specifications

Creating new requirements

Tools in the Application category landing page

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