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 Groups & Roles landing page

Access the Groups & Roles landing page by selecting the > Org & Security > Groups & Roles menu item. The following tabs are available:


Access Groups tab

Use this tab to discover, across the system, which access groups are in active use and by which operators.

The table lists the access groups in the system and a count of the number of operators associated with each.

CautionAccess groups may also be referenced in organization data instances, division data instances, requestor type data instances, service packages, and agents. An access group that is not referenced by any operator ID instances may still be a necessary part of your security configuration.



Search Text To filter the list to display only those with a specific text value in the name or description, enter text and click Search. Click Clear Search to display all access groups.
View In Excel Click to export access group information and the operator counts to Microsoft Excel.
Name Access group name. Click the name to open the access group instance.
Description Access group description.
Operators Count of operators associated with this access group as defined in the Operator ID instance. Double-click the number to display a drill-down list of operators comprising the total.

To see a list of only those access groups and the operators within each access group that reference the current application, go to > Application > Structure > Access Groups and Users.


Access Roles tab

The Access Roles tab provides a single place to view, add, and remove Rule-Access-Role-Name rules for the current application plus associated Rule-Access-Role-Obj rules. The display lists these facts about each access role:



Role Name Access role name.
Description Text description of the access role
RuleSet RuleSet
Workbasket Workbasket, if there is a workbasket of the same name as the second portion of the Role Name.

Click Add Row to add an access role and corresponding Rule-Access-Role-Obj rules based on your own current access role, or clone them from another specified role. Complete the pop-up Add a New Role dialog:



Role Name

Enter an access role name in the form RuleSetName:RoleName. Choose a name that is unique system-wide.


Enter a text description for this access role..

Clone From

Optional. To create the Rule-Access-Role-Obj rules for the new role by copying those associated with a specific existing access role, identify that source access role here. If you leave this blank, the Submit button uses your own current access role as the source.

Create Workbasket

Select to create a workbasket of the same name as the Role Name. The workbasket is automatically created and associated with your own current organization, division, and organization unit. The workbasket is not created or updated if a workbasket with this name already exists.

Click OK to close the dialog. Click Submit to create the access role, the associated Rule-Access-Role-Obj rules, and, if requested, the workbasket.

When you use this gadget to delete (Delete ) a role, any corresponding Rule-Access-Role-Obj instances are also deleted. Optionally, you can delete the corresponding workbasket instance, if it exists.

You can also use a separate tool, the Access Role Editor, to define or update up to four interrelated rules through a single facility:

To access the Access Role Editor, select > Org & Security > Tools >Security > Role Names. See About the Access Role Editor.


Definitions landing page, access group, access role
Related topics About access group data instances
About access role data instances
Atlas Atlas — Initial Access Groups

UpTools — Organization and Security
UpDesigner Studio — About Landing Pages

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