You are here: Mobile > Pega Mobile Client system info > Managing logs

Managing logs

Follow these steps to manage the Pega Mobile Client logs.

  1. Log in to the Pega Mobile Client app.
  2. Select SettingsLog files from the menu.
  3. A page displays the logs for the Pega Mobile Client.

Changing the log level only affects future log messages. Previous logs will not be exposed with more or less detail.

Note: When you restart the Pega Mobile Client app the selected log level is preserved.



Log level

A dropdown that lets you select one of the following logging levels (listed from least to most detailed):

  • error (default)
  • warning
  • info
  • debug

send by email

A link that optionally allows you to send the displayed logging information for the app to another user via email - all the logs will be placed in the body of the message. This link is only available under iOS. For an Android app you will need to manually copy the text area containing log information and paste it into your email client of choice.

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