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Installation of Pega 7 creates a single Database data instance, identifying the PegaRULES database. You can create additional database data instances to identify a Correspondence Output Server database, to hold Pega 7 objects, or to allow Pega 7 to access external databases.

After you complete a database data instance, you can create Database Table data instances to associate the relational tables and views in that database with Pega 7 classes.

Use the Databases form to identify databases or to change database connection properties such as the name, location, or password.

Reviewing a database schema

You can use the Modify a Database Schema wizard to examine the table structure of a database identified by a database data instance. (In addition, if the database account identified in the Database data instance has the appropriate privileges, you can modify the database schema to expose properties using this wizard.)

JDBC libraries

Your Pega 7 server requires a vendor-specific JDBC driver library to connect to an external database. If the database you are to define requires a library not yet installed, follow these steps before attempting to connect to the database:

  1. Download and install the JDBC library from,,, or other sites.
  2. Update server Environment variables to reference the library.
  3. Update the prconfig.xml file to reference the library.
  4. Restart the Pega 7 server.

Consult database vendor installation instructions for more details.

Use Connect SQL rules (Rule-Connect-SQL rule type) to access relational databases other than the PegaRULES database.

JNDI Datasource

Your Pega 7 server can use a JNDI datasource to access the PegaRULES database, using the database/databases/pegarules/dataSource element in the prconfig.xml file. See the Installation Guide for your platform for instructions.

Tracing JDBC connections

Vendor-supplied tools can help debug JDBC connections. For suggestions and a list of links to tools, see PDN article Troubleshooting JDBC problems with tools from Pegasystems and others.

Definitions Correspondence Output Server, database table, JDBC, PegaRULES database, schema, view
Related topics About Connect-SQL rules
About Database Table data instances
About the Modify Schema wizard
Working with the PegaRULES database
How to detect long database connection waits
How to limit connections to the PegaRULES database
Standard rules Atlas — Initial database data instances

UpAbout Database data instances