Service Type form
Completing the Listener tab

  1. About 
  2. Save As 
  3. Deployment 
  4. Listener 
  5. History 

Information on this tab controls how listeners support the services defined by this data instance. Leave blank if this service does not use listeners.



Service Type Characteristics  
Resource Key

Optional. If operation of this service type is to be controlled by an element within the initServices entry in the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings, enter here the name of the element.

Listener Class

Optional. Identify the Pega 7 class that contains the data instances defining listener characteristics.

Listener Java Class

Optional. Identify the fully qualified name of a Java class that defines listener behavior.

Data Source

SmartPrompt Optional. Select the Pega 7 data class that defines servers for this service type.

Up About Service Type data instances