
In an e-mail, the body (content text) is always preceded by header lines that identify particular routing information of the message, including the sender, recipient, date and subject. Some headers are mandatory, such as the FROM, TO and DATE headers. Others are optional, but very commonly used, such as SUBJECT and CC. Other headers include the sending time stamps and the receiving time stamps of all mail transfer agents that have received and sent the message.

In other words, any time a message is transferred from one user to another (i.e. when it is sent or forwarded), the message is date/time stamped by a mail transfer agent (MTA) - a computer program or software agent that facilitates the transfer of email message from one computer to another. This date/time stamp, like FROM, TO, and SUBJECT, becomes one of the many headers that precede the body of an email.

In Pega 7, headers used in earlier versions are replaced as follows:

Earlier versions Pega 7
PegaAttachmentID X-PegaAttachmentID
Email-Handle X-PegaEmail-Handle
Work-Handle X-PegaWork-Handle

The changes take effect in these two places:

Customers using the old headers in their applications who do not want to upgrade to these "X-" variants, need to create this Dynamic System Setting (DSS):

Set the value to true (case-insensitive).

If this DSS is present and the value is "true," the system appendsthe old headers to the new headers. If it is not present or is not set to "true", the legacy headers are not added to messages.