requestor page

The pxRequestor page is a named top-level clipboard page, sometimes referred to as the requestor page, of class Code-Pega-Requestor. The system creates this page during at log in. The page contains information about your access roles, RuleSet list, and HTTP protocol parameters.

Using the Clipboard tool, you can review the contents of this page for troubleshooting and debugging.

The property pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier identifies the Operator ID of the current user, if authenticated. (For agents, the pyUserIdentifier is always system.)

Only standard activities update the requestor page directly. Properties on this page are maintained automatically as a user works in the system. Do not change values of requestor page properties with the Clipboard tool.

As suggested in this snapshot, for interactive users accessing PRPC through the BROWSER requestor type, the requestor page contains information about your:

Properties on this page identify your character sets, portal rule, browser cookies, protocols, locale, time zone, and server information.

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