How to attach report output as a PDF to a work item

Your application can create a Portable Document Format (PDF) file from the output of a summary view or list view report and attach it as a file attachment to a work item.

This can occur automatically, through a flow; or on user request, through a flow action.

Attach report output without display

1. Create and test the summary view or list view rule.

2. Create an activity in your application's work class with three steps:

3 . If you want the report output to be saved as an attachment automatically at a point in a flow, add a utility shape that calls this activity.

4. If you want the activity to run upon user request, create a local flow action that captures relevant parameters, such as those required by the list view or summary view report, as property values. Identify your activity in the After this action... area of the Action tab of the flow action.

5. Test.


The Rule-Obj-ListView.AttachAsPDF activity accepts five input parameters:

PDN Example

See PDN article 25635 Generating PDFs and attaching them to a work item or viewing them in a web browser.

Additional useful activities

These related activities (all Final rules Final) are also available:

Related topics Understanding work item attachments
About List View rules
About Summary View rules

UpReports category