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  listView JavaServer Pages tag

JavaServer Pages tags

Use the listView JSP tag in a section to include the results of a list view rule in the runtime display of a section. The section may be part of a flow action.

Use the listView tag only in advanced situations where hand-crafted HTML code and advanced options are necessary. See Harness and Section forms — Adding a List View display.


    attribute= "value" ...
    <pega:param name="value" value="value" />

The name attribute is required. All attributes are lowercase; attribute values are in exact case.




Second key part — View Purpose — of a list view rule.


Optional. Applies To key part of a list view rule. If omitted, the class of the primary page in the runtime context is used.


Optional. Final key part — Owner — of a list view rule. If omitted, the default value is ALL.


Optional. Choose:

  • refresh to execute the list view rule, extracting and formatting data.
  • reuse to bypass report extraction when this same list view rule has run (in this user context with appropriate parameters) recently and the Code-Pega-List page containing results.

If omitted, refresh is used.


Optional. Set to true or false to indicate whether the header is to appear in the output display at runtime. If you omit this attribute, the header appears.


Optional. Positive integer of 9,999 or less to indicate the maximum records to display. If supplied, overrides the Maximum Value field on the Content tab of the list view rule. If omitted, the Maximum Value field applies.

The system ignores this attribute when the Enable paging? box on the Organize tab is selected.


Optional. Set this attribute to delete the clipboard pages created when this list view rule executes. Choose:

  • all — Remove the pages that contain the list view rule and the pages that contain the results.
  • listview — Remove the pages that contain the list view rule.
  • none — Retain all pages.

If this attribute is omitted, all pages are removed. If the user later attempts to sort and the pages are removed, the report data is re-extracted.

If you choose a value other than all, design the processing to ensure that stale pages are eventually removed. This reduces the clipboard size and virtual memory demand for the requestor.

CautionDon't choose all if the Selectable tab is not blank and the Copy to field is set to Content Page. This combination removes the page that contains user selection.


Optional. Set a value to determine which CSS style sheets are processed to present the display:

  • all — Include all style sheets, both those defined by the skins rule and those defined on the List View form. (This is the default if the includeStyles attribute is omitted.)
  • listview — Include only the styles defined on the List View form.
  • none — Include no style sheets; primarily for list view displays embedded in a section or to aid in debugging.


The following tag presents up to 25 rows from a list view rule named Delta-Mortgage-Details.Zebra.ALL. It sets two parameter values for the list view.

<pega:listView name="Zebra"
      removePages="all" >
      <pega:param name="State" value="VA" / >
      <pega:param name="Limit" value="400000.00" />


A single section, flow action, or HTML rule cannot contain two listView JSP tags that target the same list view report.

When presenting a list view display using this JSP tag in a handcrafted HTML form, place that the listView tag within the FORM element, as in the following:

<form action="" method="Post"
      <pega:listView name="zzzz " ... >

In system-generated HTML code, this occurs automatically.

Related topics About List View rules
Harness and Section forms — Adding a List View display

UpJavaServer Page tags