Dynamic Layout Properties — Presentation tab

Click the in the dynamic layout header to display the Dynamic layout properties panel, and then select the Presentation tab.




The float option enables a dynamic layout to float to the far right or far left of the container in which the dynamic layout is hosted.

You may want to float dynamic layouts if you want two dynamic layouts to display on the same line, for example, in a header bar. To do this, create a dynamic layout. Nest two dynamic layouts within it, floating one dynamic layout on the left and floating the other dynamic layout on the right. See the PDN for configuration details.

Select a Float option: None, Left, Right

If you select to float the dynamic layout, you can:

Set layout width to auto

Ensures that width settings permit the layout to float. This check box is enabled by default if you select to float the dynamic layout.

Clear this check box only if the Layout width for the specified dynamic layout format in the skin is less than 100%.

Display advanced presentation options

Select if you want to display the following advanced options:


Select this option for a dynamic layout that contains other dynamic layouts that are floated.

This ensures that the outer dynamic layout does not take up space and enables the nested dynamic layouts to use styling, such as background color, set by the outer dynamic layout.

This setting applies only to IE10 and Chrome browsers.

Clear floated layouts

Select this check box when you want the dynamic layout to display below other floated dynamic layouts within the container in which it is hosted.

For example, you may select this option when you want the dynamic layout to display as a footer.

NoteAs a best practice, define custom styles in the skin.
Inline style

Type CSS code to define an inline style.

Custom CSS class Specify a custom CSS class, if desired styling cannot be achieved through the skin.

These options enable you to remove the space set among items in thedynamic layout format in the skin.

The default is None, indicating no override — spacing settings are determined by the skin.

You may want to override the spacing set in the skin in certain cases. For example, you might want remove spacing from the first item in your dynamic layout, in order to have it display directly below the header, while retaining the 20 pixel spacing among the other items in the dynamic layout, as set in the skin. To do this, remove Top spacing for the First item.

Top Select to remove spacing for the First item or All items.
Left Select to remove spacing for the First item or All items.
Right Select to remove spacing for the Last item or All items.
Bottom Select to remove spacing for the Last item or All items.
Definitions dynamic layout
Related topics

Harness and Section forms - Adding a dynamic layout
Dynamic layout - General tab
Actions tab

Skin form — Components tab — Layouts — Dynamic Layouts