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Dynamic System Settings data instance structure

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. Settings 
  4. History 
  5. Structure 

A Dynamic System Settings data instance has two primary parts, the Owning Ruleset and the Setting Purpose.



Owning Ruleset

The ruleset that is associated with a specific Dynamic System Setting data instance.

For example, the Pega-ProCom agent maintains instances that contain Pega-ProCom as an Owning Ruleset value.

Setting Purpose

A name that distinguishes any Dynamic System Settings data instances associated with one Owning Ruleset.

Dynamic System Settings that define the value of prconfig settings have a specific key structure, which is made up of the following components:

  • File type – Specifies the kind of setting for the instance
    • prconfig — Used for prconfig settings
    • properties — Used for settings
    • blank (no value entered) — Used for unspecified Data-Admin-System-Settings
  • Setting name – Specifies the name of the setting and can include long strings that are divided by slashes or periods
  • Node classification – Specifies the node classification for the instance

An example of a data instance that uses this naming convention is: prconfig/agent/enable/default

About Dynamic System Settings data instances