You are here: Decision Strategy Manager > Predictive Analytics Director (PAD) portal > Model development with the Predictive analytics process wizard > Exporting a model

Exporting a model

Export your generated predictive models into Decision Strategy Manager (DSM) and use them in strategies.

  1. In the Export models step, select a model to export.
  2. Click Model report as PDF to capture the key details of the model development process and save them in a PDF file.
  3. Click Save to file to download an OXL file for the model. These files can be used directly in batch configurations in DSM.
  4. Click Save as predictive model rule to create an instance of the Predictive Model rule in DSM.
    1. In the Label field, enter a short name for the rule instance.

    2. In the Apply to (class) field, enter the parent class in an open ruleset of the Predictive Model rule.

    3. Click Create and open.

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