Core engine
Use multiple built-on applications to enhance ruleset and framework reuse across applications and to reduce dependencies between applications.
The Query Schema Tools and Query Inspector landing pages have been added for Pega Cloud customers who use Postgres. The Schema Tools landing page lets you view the tables, columns, indexes, and views in the PegaRULES and PegaDATA database schemas, increase the size of text columns, add and delete indexes, update database statistics for a table, and defragment a table. The Query Inspector landing page lets you enter a SQL query and generate an explain plan.
Query support has been added for multiple schemas. You can move class tables to any schema in the Pega 7 Platform database, and write Report Definition rules joining tables in those schemas.
You can create a Report Definition that combines data in multiple class tables using the Report on descendant class instances option in Report Definitions. When you select this option, a new option, Include all descendant classes, is displayed. You can use this option to include the data from all, or any subset of, the descendant classes of the report’s primary class.
Manage clusters effectively by specializing nodes to run selective agents.
When you specialize a rule, simplified circumstancing options provide more flexibility.