A standard activity supports sending all of the attachments of a work item in an email message. A standard function supports including attachments in outgoing email messages.
parameter, identify the name of the clipboard page that contains the work item, such as pyWorkPage
. You can use this for attachments unrelated to a work item, or to send only some of the work item attachments.
Page List
property of class Embed-EmailAttachment.True or False
property. Set this property value to True if the property value is Base64-encoded and must be decoded before sending to the email server. All work item attachments of standard types are Base64-encoded except notes (Data-WorkAttach-Note class) and URLs (Data-WorkAttach-URL class).Text
value for the name of the attachment as it will appear on the email message. This value also used as the file name when the attachment is saved to disk; the name can end in a period followed by a file type.Text
value containing a property reference to the content of the attachment.True or False
property. Set to True to indicate that the contents of the attachment are wrapped in XML that must be stripped before sending the attachments to the email server. For technical reasons, all work item attachments of class Data-WorkAttach-ScanDocument and Data-WorkAttach-ScreenShot have such wrappers.Text
property specifying the file type of the content, such as doc, jpg, or png. Include this property value if the pyName value does not end with a file type.AttachInfo
parameter. You can view outgoing email messages and their attachments in the Attachments section of the History/Attachment window. To open the window, click the History and Attachments icon on a user form. When you select an email, you can open its attachment by clicking the Attached link within the View Email pop-up window. This feature enables you to confirm that the email and its attachments are correctly associated. Where there are multiple attachments, selecting one displays them all.