Complete the fields on the Processes tab to define flows, flow actions, and starting processes for your case type. You can also specify supporting rules, such as a case match rule and a work parties rule, and parent-child relationships.
Tip: Unless otherwise noted below, use Case Designer to set the values of the fields on this tab. The relevant category names in the contextual property panel of Case Designer have been provided for clarity.
The following fields are available on this tab:
Appearance — The icon that identifies your case type is set in the General category of Case Designer.
Work parties rule — The details of the pyCaseManagementDefault work parties rule are managed in the Parties category of Case Designer.
Starting processes — The default flow named pyStartCase is added to this list when you create a stage-based case type in the Case Type Explorer.
You can make modifications to this list from the Case Type form only.
You can select a flow rule and designate it as a starter flow. When you enter at least one flow rule, the case type rule – not the Creates a new work object? check box on the Flow rule's Process tab – defines all the starter flows in the case type. The system disables the check box on all Flow rule forms in the case type, and designates flows not in this list as non-starter flows. If you leave this list blank, configure starter flows using the check box on the Flow rule form.
Case wide supporting processes — The list of flows that can run in any stage or step is set in the Case-wide supporting processes category of Case Designer.
Coverable work types — The list of child case types that are covered by your case type is managed by the Case Type Explorer.
The fields that are visible when you click Data propagation are set in the Data propagation category of Case Designer.
The fields that are visible when you expand a covered work type are set in the Instantiation category of Case Designer, with the following exceptions:
Max Instances — Enter a positive integer to indicate the maximum number of instances of this case type that can be created.
This value includes resolved cases.
Required — Select this check box to indicate that an instance of this child case type must be created and resolved in order to resolve its parent.
By default, this check box is cleared.
Tip: For complex conditions, such as requiring resolution of two out of three instances, implement tickets on the relevant assignment shapes in your flow.
Case wide local actions — The list of flow actions that can run in any stage or step is set in the Case-wide local actions category of Case Designer.
Case match — The details of the pyDefaultCaseMatch case match rule are managed in the Track duplicates category of Case Designer.