You are here: Reference > Data classes > Service Package data instances > Service Package form - Completing the Context tab

Service Package form
Completing the Context tab

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. Context 
  4. Pooling 
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Complete the Context section to indicate whether stateful or stateless processing applies to this package, and to identify an access group for listeners and requestors.

  1. From the Processing Mode list, select Stateless if the services in this package can be run by any requestor in a pool of requestors, without regard to processing that the requestor performed earlier. Otherwise, select Stateful.
  2. Caution! Choose this value carefully. Using requestor session pooling may improve performance if a high volume of uniform requests arrive, even when authentication is required.

  3. In the Service access group field, enter the access group for the service package. This access group is used during rule resolution to find the correct service rule at run time. This field is required.
  4. If the service request requires authentication, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the Requires authentication check box.
    2. From the Authentication type list, select the type of authentication to use.  
    1. For more information, see the following topics:

  5. Select the Suppress - Show HTML? check box to cause the system to skip over any activity step that calls the Show-HTML method in the service activities that execute through service rules that reference this service package instance.

    This feature lets you reuse or share an activity that supports both interactive users and services.

  6. Expand the Pooling section to configure a requestor pool for the services in this service package.


Use this section after completing or updating the service rules in the package to confirm that all the services rules you expect are present and are accessible before you deploy.


Use the Deployment section to generate deployment files for a SOAP, .NET, EJB, Java, Portlet (JSR168), SAP, SAPJCo, or COM service package.

Before you deploy

  1. Create the service rules that belong to this service package. Then update the list of methods and save the form.
  2. Make sure that your RuleSet list provides access to all the service rules in the package.
  3. If your development team uses check-out and check-in, ensure that all service rules, service activities, and other rules they reference are checked in before deploying. Rules in personal RuleSets (that is, the checked-out versions of rules) are ignored when you deploy.

Completing the fields

This section describes the fields in the deployment section.