You are here: System operations > Apache Ignite client-server clustering topology > Deploying and starting the Apache Ignite servers

Deploying and starting the Apache Ignite servers

To use client-server clustering, deploy and start the Apache Ignite servers before you deploy and start Pega Platform. The Apache Ignite servers provide base clustering capabilities, including communication between nodes. You must have a minimum of three stand-alone Apache Ignite servers for one cluster.

To deploy the Apache Ignite servers, use the cluster server scripts of your Pega Platform distribution image.

  1. Modify the file.

    1. Open the file in the scripts directory of your Pega Platform distribution image.
    2. Modify the following properties with the appropriate values for your system. For more details, see the Editing the file in the appropriate deployment guide for your system.
      • jdbc.jdbc.class=bootstrap driver class, for example, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • pega.jdbc.driver.class=JDBC driver class, for example, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

      • pega.database.type=database vendor type, for example, oracledate

      • pega.jdbc.url=URL of the database, for example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/orcl

      • pega.jdbc.username=deployment user name

      • pega.jdbc.password=deployment user password

      • schema name

      • schema name


      • The data schema name is required only if running Pega Platform in a split-schema environment.
      • You can encrypt your password, if needed. For more details, see the PDN article How to encrypt passwords, properties, and BLOBs.
    3. Save and close the file.

  2. Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to a valid Java installation directory (JRE or JDK).

  3. Switch to the Apache Ignite cluster protocol from the default Hazelcast cluster protocol by editing the prconfig.xml file that is used by the servers. The prconfig.xml file is in the expanded prweb.war in the Archives directory.

  4. Start the Apache Ignite servers. To start the Apache Ignite server, you require a script file, JDBC driver, expanded prweb.war file that is provided in the Archives directory, and cluster service properties file.

    1. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the scripts directory.

    2. Run either the clusterService.bat script or the script with the following required arguments:

      • --driver <path to your jdbc driver>

      • --prweb <path to an expanded prweb war file>

      • --propfile <path to your file>

        Optional: You can enter a name for an individual Apache Ignite server node. The name must be unique across the cluster.

      Note:  If you are using a UNIX system, specify the full paths to the files.

      For example, a command might be:

      clusterService.bat --driver C:\JDBC\postgresql-9.1-903.jdbc4.jar --prweb c:\prweb --propfile server1

    Note:  By default, the log files are generated in the directory from which the script is run and relevant log entries appear in the PegaCLUSTER log file.

  5. After a successful startup, you can review the topology snapshot in the Apache Ignite banner, which lists the current number of servers and clients (Pega Platform nodes) in the cluster.