Once you have configured your environment, you can run the command-line extract process.
From the command line or in a script, make a Java call to com.pega.pegarules.data.internal.access.ExtractImpl, supplying arguments to specify:
Note: To use the last option listed under "Optional parameters," call the main program com.pega.pegarules.pub.PegaRULES, and provide the username and password to ExtractImpl as the first argument. The resulting statement might look like this:
java -Dpegarules.config="./config/prconfig.xml" -
Dpegarules.logging.configuration="./config/prlog4j2.xml" -Dcom.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.properties.url=”./config/prbootstrap.properties” -Dcom.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.ignorejndi=true
com.pega.pegarules.pub.PegaRULES com.pega.pegarules.data.internal.access.ExtractImpl -a $USERNAME$ -p $PASSWD$ -i
You can add a unique identifier for the current extract process.
The engine Java classes invoked by BIX are stored in the database and not in the file system. The ExtractImpl class cannot be directly run using the Java interpreter. Instead, run the PegaRULES class and pass the ExtractImpl class as an argument. The PegaRULES class is part of the prbootstrap.jar library.
To run the extract “PegaSample!SampleBIX” on a DB2 system:
java –Xms512m –Xmx768m –classpath
".;lib\prbootstrap.jar;lib\prdbcp.jar;lib\db2jcc_v95.jar;lib\jsr94-1.0.jar;%CLASSPATH%" -Dcom.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.properties.url=config\prbootstrap.properties -Dpegarules.config=config\prconfig.xml -Dpegarules.logging.configuration=config\prlog4j2.xml -Dcom.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.ignorejndi=true com.pega.pegarules.pub.PegaRULES com.pega.pegarules.data.internal.access.ExtractImpl -i PegaSample!SampleBIX
In this instance, you provide the appropriate path and JDBC driver name.
Note: This functionality is available when you purchase and install the BIX application.