You are here: Mobility > Configuring a custom mobile app > Building mobile apps > Setting up push notifications in a mobile app

Setting up push notifications in a mobile app

For a custom mobile app that is built in Designer Studio you can set up automatic push notifications to a mobile device. These notifications can indicate that an action might be required, a status update is available, or a case was approved.

Push notifications sent from the Pega Platform are delivered to all the devices to which a user is logged in to your custom mobile app, regardless of the device platform.

Follow these steps to use push notifications:

  1. Set up push notifications in a workflow.
  2. Enable push notifications:
  3. Build the mobile app.
  4. Navigate to the Push Notifications console and send a test message to verify that you configured your mobile app correctly.

Note: You can also enable push notifications for goals and deadlines in your mobile app. For more information, see Requirements for goals and deadlines push notifications.