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Building an Android app

Make sure that you have configured the Pega Platform settings required to build an app. To create an Android mobile app from a Pega Platform-based web application, navigate to the Channels and interfaces form in Designer Studio.

To build an Android mobile app from a web application, follow these steps:

  1. In Designer Studio, click the name of your application and click Channels and interfaces.
  2. Choose one of the following options.

  3. In the Platforms section, turn on the Android switch.
  4. Set up a certificate set for the app:
  5. Optional: Expand the Advanced section within the Android Platform section:
  6. Optional: Expand the Advanced section below the App branding section:
  7. Click Build now or click Modify build, if you have already built the app at least once. The files are sent to the build server and are used to build the .apk file for the Android app.