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Data settings form in the Chart Editor

For each drop zone in the Chart Editor, you can define column-specific format settings by using the Data settings form. The available options depend on the chart type and the type of data in that column.

Field Chart types Details
Number format All

Select one of the following options for number formatting:

  • General
  • Decimal
  • Currency
  • Percent
  • Custom

Expand this field to display additional options. The number format that you select governs some settings in the additional options. Conversely, if you change some of the settings in the additional options, the Number format option changes to Custom.

Depending on the number format that you select, the following optional fields are available:

  • Scale – Select None, Number, or Time to specify the values along the axis against which the data is plotted. If you select None, no axis values display.
  • Decimal Places – Select Auto or a number.
  • Force Decimals? – Select the check box to force a zero to display in the decimal fields, even if the number has no decimal value.
  • Prefix – Provide a prefix for the displayed data.
  • Suffix – Provide a suffix for the displayed data.
  • Separators – Specify whether to display numbers by using commas (1,000) or periods (1.000).
Axis label All Specify a label to display along the axis, or along the bar in a bar chart.
Bar width ratio Bar Set the percentage of the chart the bars can cover. For example, 0.9 means that 90 percent of the area is bars, with the rest as background.
Show low/high values Spark line Select the check box to show the lowest and highest values for the chart.
Show open/close values Spark line Select the check box to show the values at the start and end of the selected period.
Limit to top Pie, Bar, Column, Line, Area

For a pie chart, specify the maximum number of pie pieces. You can specify that there is no limit.

For a bar or column chart, specify a maximum number of one of the values displayed in the chart.


Grid lines Bar, Column, Line, Area Select the check box to display grid lines.
Grid labels Bar, Column, Line, Area Select the check box to display grid line labels.
Data tooltip Bar, Column, Line, Area Select the check box to display a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over a chart value.
Treat blank as zero Bar, Column, Line, Area Select to treat blank status values for a particular date and time as zero.
Show all labels Pie

Select to show labels for all pie pieces. Expand this field to display the following additional options:

  • Data – Select to display data for each pie piece.
  • Data Tooltip – Select to display a data tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over a pie piece.

If you select Data, the following additional label options are available:

  • Data placement – Specify whether data displays outside the chart or as a call-out.
  • Include value – Select the check box to display the value in the chart segment.
  • As percent? – Select the check box to display the value as a percentage of the total.
  • Include name – Select the check box to display the name of the data object.
  • Data tooltip – Select the check box to enable a tooltip that displays information about the value.


Format All Select a format for the pie slices or category labels.
Series format Bar, Column, Combo, Line, Area Select a format for the bar or column label.
Grid labels Bar, Column, Line, Area Select the check box to display labels for the grid lines.
Orientation Bar, Column, Line, Area Specify whether labels on the axis display vertically or horizontally.
Line weight Line Specify the width of the data lines in pixels.
Minimum label Gauge Specify the lowest labeled value on a gauge.
Maximum label Gauge Specify the highest labeled value on a gauge.
Minimum value Gauge, Bar, Column, Line, Area Specify the lowest measurement on a gauge.
Maximum value Gauge, Bar, Column, Line, Area Specify the highest measurement on a gauge.
Tick location Gauge Specify whether the ticks, or unit indicators, on a gauge display inside or outside of the gauge.
Show tick values Gauge Select the check box to display the numeric value of each tick on the gauge.