You are here: User interface > User interface rules > Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms > Radio Button Properties - Behavior tab

Radio Buttons control Properties — Behavior tab

Click the View propertiesicon in the layout containing the radio button control (pxRadioButtons) to display the Properties panel, and then select the Behavior tab to configure events and actions on the selected control.




Optional. Leave blank if no dynamic form actions to other parts of the form are to occur based on user updates or values for this field.

To establish a dynamic form action, click the Gear icon to open the Client Event Editor in a new dialog window. Complete the Client Event Editor to select an event (OnBlur, OnChange, or OnClick) and the resulting form action.

Click the help icon on the Client Event Editor for assistance. For general information on this capability, see Harness and Section forms Help — Client Event Editor.

Client event support is not available for harnesses, sections, or flow actions that use directives.