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Standard classes derived from the Log- base class

Log classes  — concrete classes derived from the Log- base class — record chronological events in your system, for analysis and review by a developer or operations staff. These are not related to console logs or servlet log files.

Some log instances are created automatically; your application activities may create others.

In contrast to History- classes, the contents of Log- classes usually are not application-specific or needed for business history. Log instances are sorted by creation date and time. They can be purged at any time that the information is no longer needed for administrative, operational, or legal purposes. The standard activity Log-.TrimLog accepts as parameters a retention interval in days and a concrete class, and deletes instances of that class that are older than the number of days specified.




Log-Agent Optionally reports operations of the Pega-ProCom agent.
Log-CacheCleared Records date and time that the system's internal rule cache was forcibly emptied. rule cache
Log-Cluster-FTSIndex Records re-indexing in nodes that belong to a cluster. Full text search
Log-Collection Supports debugging of deprecated collection rules only. Deprecated collection functionality
Log-Connect-Error Not used.  
Log-Connect-AssignedNodes Records listener start-ups for each listener type when Node Based Startup is selected. JMS Listener form — Completing the Listener Properties tab
Log-Email-Incoming Not used.  
Log-DataAccessAudit Can contain records of each use of a flow action or harness, when configured. Supports audit reporting. Flow Action form — Completing the Security tab
Log-Delete Contains an instance for each use of the RuleSet Delete tool, and supports when restoring (undeleting) the rules deleted earlier with this tool. About the RuleSet Delete tool
Log-EdgeServer Reports extractions of static content. Deploying static content to an edge server
Log-EdgeServer-Error Reports extractions of static content that produced errors. Deploying static content to an edge server
Log-License-Parameters Supports operation of the License Compliance facility. License Compliance facility
Log-License-Usage-Daily Holds once-a-day summaries of license compliance data, derived from the hourly data. License Compliance facility
Log-License-Usage-Hourly Holds data collected periodically and saved by the License daemon, in support of the License Compliance facility. License Compliance facility
Log-License-Usage-Summary Holds a period summaries of license compliance data, derived from the daily License Compliance facility
Records each use, and messages from, the RuleSet wizard About the RuleSets Maintenance tool
Log-Operator-Session Not used.  
Log-PegaRULESMove Records each execution of the Archive tools on this system.  
Log-PegaRULES Move-Error Records errors found during use of the Archive tools on this system.  
Log-PropertyOptimization Supports the status display of the Property Optimization tool. Keyed by Job ID rather than date and time. System-Database landing page and About the Process Optimization tool
Log-Refactor Records each use of the Refactor on Import wizard About the Refactor on Import wizard
Log-Rename-Class Records each use of the Rename Class feature. About the Rename a Class wizard
Log-ReportStatistics Records statistics about execution of report definitions. Understanding the Pega-RulesEngine agents
Log-Rename-RuleSet Not used.  
Log-RuleUsage At shutdown, records usage statistics for rules assembly rule types. Working with the shutdown rule usage facility

Contains a daily snapshot of rule usage details that can aid in repopulating the system cache at system startup.

Log-SecurityAudit Records each authentication failure  — invalid Operator ID or password — whether attempted through the log-in form or through external means. security audit
Log-Security-Webnode Supports testing and security auditing of Pega Web Mashup applications (Pega composite applications). Pega composite application
Log-Service-File Records processing by file listeners. About File Listener data instances
Log-System-Schema-Column Records database column changes on this system. Supports the Schema Change Tracking gadget. System category — Database page
Log-System-Schema-Index Records database index changes on this system. Supports the Schema Change Tracking gadget. System category — Database page
Log-System-Schema-Table Records database tables created automatically as you directly or indirectly create Work-, History- and certain Data- classes. System category — Database page
Log-Trace-Profiler Records processing by the Performance Profiler gadget. System category — Performance page
Log-UndefinedMessage Not used.  
Log-Usage Contains extensive historical statistics on usage of system resources (such as CPU time and message sizes) by individual operator sessions. Analyzing System-wide Usage with the Log-Usage class.

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