You are here: Reference > Standard rules > Property rules > Property rules for the Code-Pega-Process class

Standard properties on the pxProcess page (Code-Pega-Process class)

Properties in the Code-Pega-Process class are typically found on the processor page of the clipboard, the page named pxProcess.

The contents of this page are established at log-in and are the same for all requestors on that node. Most properties on this page are maintained by internal facilities and are read-only to applications.



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Number of days of Log-Usage data retained plus one. For example, if set to 1, the system keeps two days of data, today and yesterday. Set by an entry in the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings. The default is 30 days. Read-only. How to analyze system-wide usage with the Log-Usage class
pxProcessStartedWall Date and time this node was started. Read-only.  
pyProductionLevel Production level of this system, between
1 and 5.
production level
pxServiceExportPath Full path name of the ServiceExport directory on this system. Read-only. ServiceExport directory
pxSnapShotIndex An integer that identifies the sequence number of the most recent Performance snapshot. Read-only.  
Seconds for soft-lock time-out.  
pySystemName Current system name, typically Pega. system name
pxSystemNode Server name of the current node. (When a proxy server or Domain Name Server is involved, the server hostname may not be the name that users see in the URL.) Read-only.  
pySystemNodeID Hash value for this node. Read-only. Node ID
pyTempPath Location of generated Java and compiled Java for rules on this node.

temporary files and temporary files directories

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