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Standard Properties in the History- class

The standard properties in the History- base class support the work item history and rule history processing.

This table identifies several of these, in alphabetical order ignoring the first two characters of the name. Many properties are present only in history records of specific classes or types.

For properties specified as computed by standard rules, do not set values for these properties in your application rules except in unusual situations where you intend to override the default computation.




pyAssignmentClass Class of the assignment that produced this history instance, for example Assign-Worklist. Computed by standard rules.  
pxAssignmentPastDeadline Number of seconds after deadline time that this assignment was completed, if positive. Computed by standard rules. deadline
pxAssignmentPastGoal Number of seconds after goal time that this assignment was completed, if positive. Computed by standard rules. goal
pyFlowAction Second key part of the flow action that produced this history instance. Computed by standard rules.  
pyFlowName Second key part of the flow rule that during execution produced this history instance  
pxHistoryForReference Handle of the rule instance or work object to which this history instance belongs. Computed by standard rules. handle
pyMemo Memo text.  
pyPerformer Operator ID who completed the operation recorded in this history instance. Computed by standard rules.  
pyTaskName Name of the task on the flow diagram. Computed by standard rules.  
pxTimeCreated DateTime value that this history instance was committed. Computed by standard rules.  

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