Standard properties in the Work- base class form the basis of work objects. Many are optional or not applicable to specific applications. A few of these are essential control elements present in every work object.
If a property is computed by standard rules, as indicated in the description, do not set values for these properties in your application rules except in unusual situations where you intend to override the default computation.
In a work item, work party details are within an embedded Page Group
property (Work-.pyWorkParty) and so the properties cannot become exposed as columns in a database table. Accordingly, instances of the Index-WorkPartyUri class associate a work party (for example a customer, supplier, or employee) with a work party role, facilitating searches by party. Alternatively, your application can copy the few facts needed at the Work- level from the work party details into the customer ID, customer name, customer organization, customer enterprise, customer level, and customer satisfaction properties described below, to support reporting or searching.
Property |
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pyAckTimeStamp | Records the date and time that a work object was acknowledged. Computed by standard rules. | acknowledgment |
pyAgeFromDate | Basis of certain work item age calculations. Often set to be the date and time the work item was entered. Can hold a date and time distinct from and earlier than the work item entry date, if this value is needed later. For example, the date of mailing or letter date, for work items created by arriving postal mail. Computed by standard rules. | |
pyAttachmentCategories | A Value List property identifying the categories of attachments. Individual values are limited by field value rules. |
attachment category |
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pyCalendar | Optionally, the first key part of a Data-Admin-Calendar data instance that defines the holidays and business days for this work item. If not blank, overrides other sources of calendars for business day computations, such as in service-level agreements. | |
pyChargeAmount | Charge amount, can contain a decimal value representing a currency amount of the fee or charge that the organization is to collect for completing the work item. Includes a currency code. Can be computed by a standard Declare Expression rule as pyChargeRate * pyEffortActual. | |
pyChargeRate | A currency charge per day of effort, used in the computation of pyChargeAmount. | |
pyChargeTo | Can identify the party, person, account, or organization to be charged by this organization for completing the work item. | |
pxCommitDateTime | Indicates the time that an update to the instance is committed to the database. Useful for system-diagnostic purposes. More accurate in many cases than pxUpdateDateTime. |
pyCompensatingContainer | A page that can hold properties used in a compensating action computation, to back out partial changes after a SOAP connection to an external system fails. | compensating action |
pyContactChannel | Available to hold a value indicating the means or channel that information causing this work item to exist arrived, such as by postal mail, email, Web form, fax, scanned image, Web service, and so on. Use and values defined in your application. | |
pxCoverInskey | Internal key of the cover work object, if this work item is a member of a cover. Computed by standard rules. | cover |
pyCreatedFromService | Your application can set to true to record that this work item was created through a service rather than through interactive facilities. | |
pyCusLevel | Available to hold an application-defined customer level code. Values and units determined by your application. For example: Gold, Silver, Platinum, or A, B, C. | customer |
pyCustomer | Customer identifier such as an account number. | customer |
pyCustomerEnterprise | A parent or overall customer | |
pyCustomerName | A name, limited to 32 characters | |
pyCustomerOrg | Customer organization | |
pyCustomerSatisfied TimeStamp |
Records the date and time that the customer became satisfied, in that the value of pyStatusCustomerStat becomes Open-Satisfied or Resolved-Satisfied . Computed by standard rules. |
customer satisfaction |
pxDeadlineTime | Computed deadline date and time for resolution of this work item, based on a service-level agreement associated with the work item (rather than with an assignment) through the pySLAName property | |
pyDuplicateID | Can hold, in each identified duplicate, the work ID of the "original" that is to be processed to completion. | duplicate |
pyEffortActual | May contain an after-the-fact work effort estimate, typically in days and fractional days, for a work object. Constrained to 20 days or less by a sample standard constraints rule, which your application can override. | |
pyEffortEstimate | May contain a before-the-fact work effort estimate, typically in days and fractional days, for a work object. | |
pyEffortEstimateTimeStamp | Date and time of the most recent change to pyEffortEstimate. Computed by standard rules. | |
pyElapsedCustomerAck | Elapsed time (in seconds) between pyAgeFromDate and when the originator party was sent an acknowledgment. Measures how long the originator's request went unacknowledged. Computed by standard rules. | acknowledgment |
pyElapsedCustomerUnsat | Records the cumulative elapsed time (in seconds) that the pyStatusCustomerSat property has a value starting with Unsatisfied . Maintained automatically based on a standard Declare Trigger rule. |
customer satisfaction |
pyElapsedPastDeadline | For resolved work items, records the elapsed time (in seconds) that the work item remains unresolved after the deadline time pySLADeadline.Computed by standard rules. | |
pyElapsedPastGoal | For resolved work items, records the elapsed time (in seconds) that the work item remains unresolved after the goal time pySLAGoal.Computed by standard rules. | |
pyElapsedStatusNew | Records the cumulative elapsed time (in seconds) that the pyStatusWork property has a value starting with New . Maintained automatically by a Declare Trigger rule. Computed by standard rules. |
work item status |
pyElapsedStatusOpen | Records the cumulative elapsed time (in seconds) that the pyStatusWork property has a value starting with Open . Maintained automatically by a declare Trigger rule. Computed by standard rules. |
work item status |
pyElapsedStatusPending | Records the cumulative elapsed time (in seconds) that the pyStatusWork property has a value starting with Pending . Maintained automatically by a declare Trigger rule. Computed by standard rules. |
pending status |
pyEventID | Can hold an identifier text value that can link multiple, related work items together in situations where the cover or folder design approach is not suitable. |
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pyFlowName | Second key part of a flow rule. | |
pxGoalTime | Computed goal date and time for resolution of this work item, based on a service-level agreement associated with the work item (rather than with an assignment) through the pySLAName property. Computed by standard rules. | service-level agreement |
pyID | Unique identifier (within an organization) of a work item, usually consisting of a prefix, a dash, a system-assigned sequence number, an optional dash, and an optional suffix. Appears on worklist. With class group name, forms the internal key of a work item. Computed by standard rules. |
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pyOwnerDivision | Division of the organization that owns the work item. | |
pyOwnerOrg | Owning organization, the organization responsible to see that the work item becomes resolved. | |
pyOwnerOrgUnit | Unit of the division that owns the work item. | |
pyOverallSLA | Second key part of a service-level agreement that applies to the age (since open) of the work item, rather than to an assignment. | Automatically setting case-wide goals and deadlines |
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pyReopenCount | Integer count of the number of times this work item has been reopened. Maintained by the standard Work-.Reopen activity. Computed by standard rules. | |
pyReopenTimeStamp | Date and time of the most recent reopen. Set by the standard Work-.Reopen activity. Computed by standard rules. | |
pyResolvedDivision | Division of the operator who most recently resolved the work item, at the time of resolution. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. For work items resolved by an agent, this property is normally undefined. | |
pyResolvedOrg | Organization of the operator who (most recently) resolved the work item, at the time of resolution. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. For work items resolved by an agent this property is normally undefined. | |
pyResolvedOrgUnit | Organization unit of the operator who (most recently) resolved the work item, at the time of resolution. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. For work items resolved by an agent this property is normally undefined. | |
pyResolvedTime | Sum, in seconds, of the time a work object held a status value starting with New , Pending , or Open . Computed and updated when a work item becomes resolved. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. Computed by standard rules. |
pyResolvedTimeStamp | Date and time the work item was (most recently) resolved. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. Computed by standard rules. | resolution |
pyResolvedUserID | Operator ID of the operator or other requestor) who most recently resolved the work item. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. For work items resolved by an agent, the value is system . Computed by standard rules. |
pyResolvedUserWorkgroup | Work group of the operator or other requestor who (most recently) resolved the work item. Older values are retained within a page of the pyResolveSummary property. For work items resolved by an agent this property is normally undefined. | work group |
pxResolveSummary | A Page List property containing historical details, with one page for each time the work object was resolved. Contains copied values from pyResolvedUserID, pyResolvedTimeStamp, pyResolvedUserGroup, and others. |
pyRootCause |
A text value recording the underlying basis that caused the case to exist, most useful for exception-oriented work. Values defined through field value rules. Recommended values for this property are The root cause for a case might differ from the customer or user causes that were initially recorded when the case was entered. For example, an initial customer complaint might report that an order was never received, while later research might show that a customer-supplied address was invalid. The standard flow actions Work-.Resolve and Work-.Reject allow operators to choose a root cause value, at a time when information is more complete than when the case was created. If your application uses this property, you can define additional field value rules for this property, and define reports that analyze cases by cause. |
pxSaveDateTime | Date and time that an instance was saved with business changes to the database. Recommended for use in applications. More accurate in many cases than pxUpdateDateTime. | |
pySLADeadline | Computed date and time of the deadline for work item resolution, based on the service-level agreement identified in pySLAName. | deadline |
pySLAGoal | Computed date and time of the goal for work item resolution, based on the service-level agreement identified in pySLAName. | goal |
pySLAName | Second key part of a service-level agreement that applies to the entire work item, not to assignments. | service-level agreement |
pyStatusCustomerSat | Can record the organization's perception of customer satisfaction. Limited to values defined by field value rules. You can use the following standard field value rules: Open-Unsatisfied, Resolved-Satisfied, and Not Perceived. When this property is used by your application, managers can access reports about satisfaction. | customer satisfaction |
pyStatusWork | Case status, a primary indicator of its state. Restricted to values defined through field value rules. Update only through specified standard activities. | case status |
pyStatusWorkTimeStamp | Date and time of most recent update to pyStatusWork. Computed by standard rules. | |
pxSuspended | True when the case is suspended. Computed by standard rules. |
suspended case |
pyTotalFlowActionCost | Computed sum of the "cost" of all flow actions that were selected to date as a work item was processed, based on the cost field in the flow action. Computed by a standard Declare Expression rule. | |
pxUpdateDateTime | Date and time of the most recent update to the work item. For more accurate results, it is recommended that you instead use either pxCommitDateTime or pxSaveDateTime. | |
pxUpdateOperator | Operator ID of the operator (or other requestor) who most recently updated the work item. Computed by standard rules. | |
pyUrgencyPartyTotal | Total additional work item urgency points attributable to the urgency values of the parties identified in the work item, excluding interested parties. Computed by a standard Declare Expression rule. | |
pxUrgencyWork | Urgency or priority of the work object (not of individual assignments) a system-computed value between 1 (lowest) and 99 (highest). Computed by a standard Declare Expression rule. | urgency |
pyUrgencyWorkAdjust | A positive or negative integer that can be entered or computed to tweak the computed urgency. | urgency |
pxUrgencyWorkClass | Urgency points (from 0 to 99) associated with the work type. Often set in the data transform used when creating new work items. |
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pyWorkIDPrefix | Prefix portion of the work item ID. | |
pyWorkIDSuffix | Suffix portion of a work item ID. | |
pyWorkListDate1 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListDateTime1 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListDateTime2 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListDecimal1 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListDecimal2 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListInteger1 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListText1 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListText2 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkListText3 | Unused by standard rules. Available for use in custom worklist displays. | worklist |
pyWorkParty | A Page Group, work parties participating in the work item indexed by party role. | work party |