Color coding of quality metrics

Some of the quality metrics in the Application Quality Dashboard are color coded for immediate visibility of their status. The default ranges for each color coding can be changed by modifying corresponding when rules the in Data-Application-Quality class.

The following table describes the relationship between colors, default ranges, and when rules. For each metric in the Red, Orange, and Green columns, the top row indicates the default range for each color and the bottom row indicates the corresponding when rule.
Metric Red Orange Green
Guardrails Weighted score 0 - 59 60 - 89 90 - 100
pyIsWeightedScoreSevere pyIsWeightedScoreModerate pyIsWeightedScorePermissible
Warnings Not applicable More than 0 0
pyIsWarningsModerate pyIsWarningsPermissible
Severe warnings More than 0 Not applicable 0
pyAppContainSevereWarning pyAppContainNoSevereWarning
Test coverage Rules covered 0 - 59% 60 - 89% 90 - 100%
pyIsRuleCoverageScoreSevere pyIsRuleCoverageScoreModerate pyIsRuleCoverageScorePermissible
Unit testing Test pass rate 0 - 59% 60 - 89% 90 - 100%
pyIsTestPassRateScoreSevere pyIsTestPassRateScoreModerate pyIsTestPassRateScorePermissible