Restrictions on deleting rules

The following conditions can prevent you from deleting a rule:

  • You cannot delete a rule that belongs to a locked ruleset version. However, in most situations, you can create a blocked or withdrawn rule in your application that masks—makes invisible to rule resolution—a rule no longer useful or wanted in your application.
  • By definition, you cannot delete standard rules, because they are part of the Pega Platform product. Many can be overridden, but none can be deleted.
  • You cannot delete any rule or data instance unless allowed by an Access of Role to Object rule associated with your access role, and also not disallowed by any Access Deny rules associated with your access role.
  • You cannot delete a rule where the Circumstance or Start Time fields are blank if your system contains other rules with identical keys that are circumstance-qualified or time-qualified. Delete the qualified rules first, and then delete the unqualified rule.
  • You cannot delete an Operator ID when the operator checked-out rules. Have the operator sign in, and delete or check in all rules in the personal ruleset.
  • You cannot delete a concrete class that contains instances.
  • You cannot delete a class , either concrete or abstract, when the system contains rules with that class name as the Applies To class. You are prompted with a list of the rules that you must delete before the class rule itself is deleted.
  • You cannot delete a ruleset version rule that identifies a non-empty collection of rules. Delete each of the rules in the version first.
  • You cannot delete a ruleset for which a ruleset version exists. Delete each version first.