Built-in and When() functions
Four functions are part of the expression language. All other names following an at-sign are references to function rules, instances of the Rule-Utility-Function rule type. An expression can use any of these built-in functions:
Syntax | Description |
These functions are part of the expression language. Their names are reserved and cannot be overridden. These functions may only be invoked using the preferred (‘@’) syntax. | |
Evaluates the condition in parameter one and then, if true, evaluates and returns parameter two, otherwise evaluates and returns parameter three.
Equivalent to the Java ternary operator “?:.” Only the one appropriate result parameter is evaluated. |
Logical AND operation of the (arbitrary number of) parameters (Evaluated left-to-right, stopping when the result is known) |
Logical OR operation of the (arbitrary number of) parameters (Evaluated left-to-right, stopping when the result is known) |
This function is deprecated. Use a utility function or other product feature instead. The single parameter is treated as Java code and inserted into the translated Java stream without examination or modification. |
General purpose | |
Evaluates a when condition rule in the context of the primary page of the rule in which the expression appears. The parameter can be an expression that evaluates to a text value. |
Evaluates the specified when condition rule using the supplied
PublicAPI object (not a page name) as the primary page for evaluation. Either parameter can be an expression that evaluates to the correct data type.
The primary page for evaluation is supplied as a
object, not a page name, so that embedded pages (or pages whose name is not known) can be evaluated.
You can use a
Value List
Value Group
, or
Page Group
property as an argument to the @SUM(), @MIN(), @MAX() and @AVERAGE().