Customizing the Get Next Work logic
You can customize Get Next Work processing to the meet the needs of your application and your business operations without creating new activities. If you create or override standard rules, save the rules in a ruleset and version that is available to all appropriate users.
- Ensure that the assignment urgency ( pyUrgencyAssign ) is set to a meaningful value, as this is a basis for sorting and prioritization. By default, a standard Declare Expression rule computes this value based on work item urgency and other criteria. For example, you can override the urgency value to base the assignment urgency on dollar amounts, customer categories, specific assignments that are often on the critical path, work item age, work types, and so on.
- If a user can access assignments from multiple applications and work types, verify that the computation of assignment urgency is appropriate across the applications and work types. For example, in some business settings, it may be appropriate to complete every assignment in the CustomerOrder application before any assignments in the ResearchingVeryOldRocks application.
- Confirm that the Get from work queues first check box on the Work tab of the Operator ID form is selected or cleared for affected operators.
If an assignment has skills that are designated as required, ensure that the values for
those skills in the Operator ID instances are correct for the operators who have those
skills. Confirm that the skills are necessary to complete the assignment.
Note: In flows, you can use the standard router activity ToSkilledWorkBasket to send an assignment with required or desired skills to a work queue.
- If work queues are searched, review the work queues for each operator to ensure that the order in which they are listed in the Work tab of the Operator ID form is correct.
- Override the System Settings rule GetNextWork_WorkBasketUrgencyThreshold to identify a minimum cutoff value for assignment urgency. Overriding this value can speed the entire operation by changing the order in which candidates are examined. First, it causes searches of only those assignments in a work queue that equal or exceed an urgency threshold; if none is found that meet all the criteria, the next work queue is searched. Only after all the work queues are searched with no qualifying assignment found are the work queues revisited to look for assignments with lower urgency.To simplify testing, you can supply different cutoffs for different production levels.
- Copy and override the list value rules to change the 500 limit on assignments examined or to add additional selection criteria.
- During testing and in production, note the situations in which the algorithm that you have implemented do not return any assignments. Also note where and how the human operator looks next for assignments.