Pulse gadget and custom APIs
The pxFeed Pulse gadget is a section that is included in the pyPulseWrapper section, which is displayed when users click Pulse to view the activity feed in the Case Manager and Case Worker portals. The feed contains message replies, messages in cases that you are following, referenced messages, profile messages, bookmarked messages, and application messages. The pxFeed gadget allows you to customize the information that is displayed in a Pulse activity feed and post messages in the feed.
You can include the pxFeed gadget within a section or harness across your application, for example, in the dashboard of the Case Manager portal. You can use the gadget to display the feed within a specific context, for example, a case, a team, or a custom context. You can also customize the gadget to include posts from multiple data sources and allow users to post messages in the activity feed. The following data page APIs allow you to retrieve information for this gadget:
- D_pxPostRepliesFeed
- Retrieves replies for the posts by a user
- D_pxFollowedCasesFeed
- Retrieves posts on the cases followed by a user
- D_pxMentionsFeed
- Retrieves posts in which a user is referenced
- D_pxProfileFeed
- Retrieves posts on a user's profile
- D_pxBookmarkFeed
- Retrieves posts that have been bookmarked by a user
- D_pxPosts
- Retrieves posts for a case, rule, custom, or operator context.