Adding or editing charts
You can add a chart to a report, or you can edit an existing chart. To include a chart, a report must have aggregated data. You can aggregate the data by summarizing a column. If your report does not have a summarized column, you can summarize a column when you configure the chart.
- Run the report that you want to update.
- In the Report Viewer, click Edit report.
- In the Report Editor, click Add chart or Edit chart, depending on whether a chart is already defined for the report.
In the
Edit chart
dialog box, specify the chart data and appearance.
Depending on the chart type, options include:
- Chart type – Select the type of chart that you want to use for displaying the data.
- Group by – Select the group by column from the list of columns defined for your report. The group by column organizes the summarized data for the chart.
- Then group by – To add a second group by column to the chart, click this option, and select another column. This column further organizes the summarized data.
- Series – Select a column from the report that will be a summarized column. To add another summarized column, click + Add series.
- Show as – Select the function to use for summarizing the data in the corresponding series column.
Range formatting
– For gauge charts, use the options on the
tab to specify the formatting for the color arcs of the gauge.
- To have ranges automatically formatted, select the Automatic range check box. The arc is a solid color, and the end value is slightly larger than the actual value.
To specify ranges manually:
- Clear the Automatic range check box.
- Click +Add range.
- In the Is between fields, specify the range values for the color arcs on the gauge. The ranges cannot overlap.
- Click the colored square to specify the color for the arc, and click Submit.
In the
pane, preview the chart data and appearance.
Note: The preview is not available if you changed the function of a column.
- Click Submit to save the chart.