Unit Test Suites for AUT
Unit Test Suites identify a collection of Test Cases and their rulesets, and a user (Operator ID) whose credentials are used to run the Unit Test Suite. Unit Test Suites are used to automatically run groups of test cases together and make unit testing more efficient.
The following tabs are available on this form:
Automated unit testing information is available on the Testing Applications landing page on the PDN and in the Automated Unit Testing topics in the Pega 7.2.1 help.
You must have the AutomatedTesting privilege to work with unit test suite rules.
You can create a unit test suite that includes all the test cases for a specific rule type, or you can select individual rules and specify the sequence in which to run them.
To run a unit test suite, use the Schedule gadget on the Automated Unit Testing landing page. From that gadget, you can choose to run the unit test suite immediately or schedule the run for a future time.
For unit test suites that are scheduled to run at future times, an agent activity in the Pega-AutoTest agents rule checks for unit test suite requests every five minutes and runs those that are due. When the agent activity finishes running a unit test suite, it sends an email message with the results. By default, this completion email message is sent to the person who scheduled the unit test suite run, and to any additional email addresses specified at the time the run is scheduled. If no email addresses are specified at the time the run was scheduled, no email message is sent.
> Access
Use the Automated Unit Testing landing page to work with the Unit Test Suites that are available to you. You can:
- Use the Automated Unit Tests gadget to see the Unit Test Suites and the test cases in each.
- Use the Create Suite button on the Schedule gadget to create unit test suites.
- Use the calendar button on the Schedule gadget to run unit test suites immediately and to schedule unit test suite runs.
> Category
Unit Test Suites are instances of the Rule-AutoTest-Suite class. They belong to the SysAdmin category.