Connect JMS form – Completing the Service tab

Use the Service tab to identify the JMS provider, the destination system, and characteristics of the messages between Pega Platform and the JMS provider.

JMS connectors can either wait for a response or post a message and end the connection without waiting for a response. If you either select the Dynamic Destination option or select a value in the Destination Name field and configure data mappings on the Response tab, the connector waits for a response message. If the Response tab does not have data mappings configured, the connector does not wait for a response, even if you specify a response destination.

Service Properties

Complete the fields in this section to configure the JMS connector:

  • Resource name resolution -

    To use resource references to identify the JMS resources, select Resource Reference. Otherwise, select Direct JNDI Lookup. See PDN article How to configure a JMS service or connector to find JMS resources through resource references for information about this choice.
  • JNDI server -

    If you selected Direct JNDI Lookup in the Resource Name Resolution field, select the name of a JNDI server data object (instance of Data-Admin-Connect-JNDIServer ) that contains environment settings for the JNDI server. The JNDI server looks up the JMS provider through its Environment Naming Context (ENC). This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyJNDIServer. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.
  • Connection factory - Select the appropriate JMS connection factory from the list. This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyConnectionFactory. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.
  • Authentication profile - If the connector needs to connect to the queue as an authenticated user, specify the user name and password that will be used by the JMS connection factory for creating a connection with the specified user identity.

    This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyAuthenticationProfile. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

  • JMS producer model - Select a JMS producer model data instance that defines message characteristics.


  • Destination name - Identify the name of the destination — a JMS topic object or a JMS queue — to which the messages are to be addressed. This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyDestination. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

    Click Message Explorer to inspect the queue. A window appears, listing any items in the queue. Click a message position number to display detailed information about that item.

  • Request message type - Select the message type, one of the five choices in the JMS API standard:
    • Text — A Java String, a java.language.String object.
    • Map — A list of names and corresponding values. The names are Java String objects and the values are Java String objects or Java primitive data types.
    • Bytes — A stream of bytes with no explicit structure.
    • Stream — Contents of a Java I/O stream, a stream of primitive values, filled and read sequentially.
    • Object — A serialized Java object.


  • Dynamic destination? - Select to specify that a temporary queue is to be created to hold the response message. When selected, leave the Destination Name field blank.

    When cleared, the Pega Platform uses the queue specified in the Destination Name field if there are data mappings configured on the Response tab. The connector obtains the Correlation ID from the message ID, unless the Correlation ID is mapped on the Request tab. Click Message Explorer to inspect the queue. A window appears, listing any items in the queue. Click a message position number to display detailed information about that item.

  • Destination name - Optional. If your connector is required to wait for a response and you are not using a dynamic destination, select the name of a queue or topic managed by the JMS provider identified by the Connection factory field.

    The JMS producer model specified in the JMS Producer Model field must be configured to use Point-to-Point.

    This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyDestinationResponse. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

  • Response timeout (seconds) -

    Optional. Enter a positive number of seconds after which the Connect-JMS method returns even when no response is received.

    This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyResponseTimeout. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Error Handling

  • Status value property - Optional. Select a property to hold the status of the remote service request. If the property is on the step page, start the property reference with a period. You can use the standard property @baseclass.pyStatusValue. The literal value Good identifies success.
  • Status message property - Optional. Identify a property for providing more information about errors that occur when processing the remote service request. If the property is on the step page, start the property reference with a period. You can use the standard property @baseclass.pyStatusMessage.
  • Error handler flow - Optional. Identify a flow rule that is to be started when this connector rule is started by a flow rule but fails. The default flow rule Work-.ConnectionProblem provides one approach for handling such problems. See Handling connector exceptions.

After you complete at least the Service tab and Request tab, save the rule form.

Click Test Connectivity to Pega Platform have access the JNDI server and the producer model to connect to the JMS producer. The system presents test results in a separate window, identifying the parameters used in the test, the steps attempted, and the outcome of each step. It does not call the service.

Click Simulations to create a simulator for this connect rule. See Creating connect simulators.