About Constraints rules

Create constraints rules to define and enforce comparison relationships among property values. Constraints rules can provide an automatic form of property validation every time the property's value is "touched", in addition to the validation provided by the property or other means.

The following tabs are available on this form:

The system evaluates constraints automatically each time a property identified in a constraints rule is changed. This technique is known as forward chaining.

Where referenced

No other rules explicitly reference constraints rules. When you save a constraints rule, it is enforced immediately and thereafter. The system automatically adds a message to any property that is present on the clipboard and fails a constraint. This message marks the page containing the property as invalid and ordinarily prevents the page from being saved.

Use the Application Explorer to access the constraints rules that apply to work types in your application. Use the Records Explorer to list all the constraints rules available to you.



Constraints rules are instances of the Rule-Declare-Constraints class. They are part of the Decision category.

Note the s in the rule type. The Rule-Declare-Constraints rule type replaces the Rule-Declare-Constraint rule type, which is deprecated.

Decision category