Standard activities — Extension points
The activity names listed here, known as extension points, are by design implemented at the @baseclass, Assign- or Work- level and have an empty Steps tab. These are sometimes informally known as placeholders or callbacks; they allow your application to extend the processing provided by a standard rules that are marked as final.
In your application, you can override these stubs with an activity that applies to a work type (or work pool) to implement desired processing at the events indicated. Typically, the standard calling activities noted below are marked as final, and so they cannot be overridden.
In most cases, place the overriding activity in a more specific (lower level) Applies To class.
Extension points marked with a dot ( ) are part of the Process API.
To see a complete list of extension points available in your current or built-on applications, use the Application Inventory landing page.
Extension points in the Assign- class
As a best practice, override these activities using an Applies To key part that is a cover work type in your application.
Name | Purpose |
Assign-.NewDefaults | Called from Work-.NewAssign and Work-.NewAssignBasket on the assignment. Allows the developer to customize or extend the steps that are performed when a new assignment is created. |
Assign-Service.HandleInterrupt |
For an asynchronous service call that is interrupted by a ticket, or by a service-level agreement event (such as
). Can send a message to the called external system to indicate that a flow has advanced beyond the connector call, for example because a ticket was activated.
Called by the RemoveAssignmentByTicket and Assign-.CompleteAssignment activities. |
Extension points in the Work- class
As a best practice, override these activities using an Applies To key part that is a work type in your application.
Name | Purpose |
May be called by Work-.AddCoveredWork. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed during post-processing of the addition of a covered work object using a flow action. Called by the post-processing activity of the Work-.AddCovered flow action. |
Work-.NewCoveredDefaults | Called by Work-Cover-.ActionCreateCover, part of the AddCovered flow action. Override to customize or extend the steps performed before adding a covered object. |
Work-.CloseDefaults | Called from Work-.Close. Override to include steps to occur when the work object form is closed, such as to clean up pages or properties set in Work-.OpenDefaults. |
Work-.NewDefaults | Called from Work-.New and Work-.NewCovered. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed while creating new work page for the New harness. |
Work-.OpenDefaults | Called from Work-.Open, Work-.OpenCover, and Work-Cover-.OpenCover. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed while opening a work object for display with a user form defined by a harness. |
Work-.PerformDefaults | Called by the Work-.Perform activity. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed while processing an assignment. |
Work-PreClose | Called by the Work-.CloseWorkItem activity. Allows developers to control what appears when a user closes a user form, such as by clicking the close box. By default, the next display is the user's worklist, but your application can call the GetNextWork activity or present a different display. |
Called from Work-.Reassign. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed while reassigning (transferring) an assignment to a different user's worklist. |
Work-.ReassigntoWorkBasketDefaults | Called from Work-.ReassignToWorkBasket. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed while reassigning an assignment to a work queue. |
Work-.UpdateDefaults | Called by Work-.Update and Work-.UpdateCovered. Also called by Work-.Open, Work-.OpenCover, and Work-Cover-.OpenCover unless the work item is opened in read-only mode. Override to customize or extend the steps that are performed while opening a work item for update. |
Extension points in the Work-Cover- class
As a best practice, override these activities using an Applies To key part that is a cover work type in your application.
Name | Purpose |
Work-Cover-.AddToCoverDefaults | Called by Work-Cover-.AddToCover. |
Work-Cover-.RemoveFromCoverDefaults | Called by Work-Cover-.RemoveFromCover. |
Other extension point activities
These activities support various development and application processing.
Name | Purpose |
@baseclass.CheckForCustomWarnings |
Called by standard activities named
Rule-ZZZZ.CheckForWarnings, where Rule-ZZZZ is a rule type.
Specialize this activity to the class of the rule type for which you have custom warnings defined. Add a Java step that calls the standard function pxAddGuardrailMessage(). |
Code-Security.ApplicationProfileSetup | Can perform application-specific setup after other log-on initialization is complete. Called by Code-Security.InitialProfileSetup activity. |
Code-CachedSystemSettings.LoadApplicationDataSystemSettings |
Creates the data page
Declare_CachedSystemSettings . Called by the
activity. Override to load Dynamic System Settings values into this data page.
Data-Corr-.Send | Extended for each class derived from the Data-Corr- class. |
Data-WorkAttach-File.CallVirusCheck | Allows your application to call an external routine to check a work item attachment for computer viruses before it is saved in the database. Called by standard activities for each attachment type. |
Rule-.AddApprovalDependency | Supports customization of the rule check-in process when the rule management flow is used. Called by the Rule-.WBApproval_CheckIn activity. |
Rule-.SetApprovalDependency | Allows customization of check-in processing. |
Rule-.PreCheckIn | Called from the Rule-.WBCheckIn activity. |
Rule-.PreCheckOut | Called from the Rule-.WBCheckOut activity. Allows customization of check-in processing. |
@baseclass-.PostSaveAs | Called from @baseclass.WBSaveAs and Rule-.WBSaveAs activities. Allows customization of processing during the Save As operation for a form. |
Rule-.OnRecover | Allows customization of processing performed by the Recover toolbar button. |
Rule-Obj-.Validate | Extended in classes derived from the Rule-Obj- class. |
Rule-Obj-CaseType.pyPrepareFrameworkAssetsForGeneration |
This and the following two extension point activities allow the Application Express tool, or the Case Type Explorer's Add and Import (case type) commands to generate a list of rules or data records you want to include when you add a built-on application case type to your current application.
@baseclass.pyPrepareFrameworkAssetsForGeneration Setup | Allows frameworks to prepare a list of rules or data records that will be generated when a case type is added. Called before Rule-Obj-CaseType.pyPrepareFrameworkAssetsForGeneration is called. |
@baseclass.pyPrepareFrameworkAssetsForGenerationPost | Allows frameworks to prepare a list of rules or data records that will be generated when a case type is added. Called after Rule-Obj-CaseType.pyPrepareFrameworkAssetsForGeneration is called. |
@baseclass.PegaAccel-Management-Import | Use this class to create pre-import and post-import activity collections. |